The man in the high castle

239 pages

English language

Published Jan. 31, 1979 by Gregg Press.

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4 stars (251 reviews)

The Man in the High Castle is an alternate history novel by American writer Philip K. Dick. Published and set in 1962, the novel takes place fifteen years after a different end to World War II, and depicts intrigues between the victorious Axis Powers—primarily, Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany—as they rule over the Southern and Western United States. The Man in the High Castle won the Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1963. Reported inspirations include Ward Moore's alternate Civil War history, Bring the Jubilee (1953), classic World War II histories and the I Ching (referred to in the novel). There is a "novel within the novel", an alternate history within the alternate history where the Allies defeat the Axis (though in a manner distinct from the real-life events of the war). In 2015, the book was adapted as a multi-season TV series, with Dick's daughter, Isa Dick Hackett, as …

60 editions

Review of 'The Man in the High Castle' on 'Storygraph'

4 stars


 of course the alternate history framework of the novel is compelling, an engaging thought exercise about the other possibilities of war, those moments of immense directional change. what brings the book alive is the role of the I Ching for the majority of the characters (all but the germans, those ‘cynics with utter faith’…) , the cosmological propulsion of plot and character development. it serves as a mirror for each character, bringing to focus their fears and hopes and desires, their own form of prayer, a call for succor. on another level it is the representation of the appropriation of culture, and its propagation through subjugation. the japanese take from the chinese, then sow amongst their american subjects. one of those subjects, a fictional white american author, literally uses the I Ching to write his popular alternate history novel. look again and a real white american author, pkd, uses …

Review of 'The man in the high castle' on 'Goodreads'

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Jeg har ikke sett TV-serien (enda), og jeg visste ikke at den var basert på ei bok før jeg så den i en bruktbutikk. Boka forteller (den kontrafaktiske) historien om da Tyskland og Japan vant andre verdenskrig, og vi følger en gjeng ulike personligheter i USA - som nå er delt mellom Tyskland og Japan. Ett aspekt ved boka er skildringa av denne alternative virkeligheten, og det er unektelig spennende å få et innblikk i hva som kunne ha vært. Men boka bruker overraskende lite tid på dette, og fokuserer heller på dramatikken i livet til et knippe figurer som er mer indirekte knyttet til storpolitikken. Og det fungerer bra. Ellers: Jeg likte godt hvordan "boka-i-boka" blir utforska, men er ikke særlig imponert av orakel-opplegget.

Review of 'The man in the high castle' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Philip K. dick explores an alternate history where the Axis powers won WWII and as usual through it asks a fundamental question pertaining to the nature of reality. This time his question seemed to be: "What is history?".

Now this is a real Matryoshka doll of a book, a book within a book within a book. Pay attention to those books, they are the real protagonists the actual people are nothing but a set dressing for this messed up world. Well, most of them are.

This should be interesting reading for every Philip K. Dick fan.

Review of 'The man in the high castle' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

This is one of those books where a rating isn't enough to explain how I felt about it. It's not that it's a bad book, it's just that even trying to willfully disregard the 60's era racism it left me feeling icky.

Now, don't get me wrong. In an alternate history book where the Nazis won WWII it would be shocking if there wasn't any mention of racism. It's just that Philip K. Dick never really makes any point about that racism, he just has his characters act and talk completely racist and therefore makes them very unlikeable. None of the characters were well-rounded, even the two Jewish characters who were really underutilized and one-dimensional.

I did like how the one female character went from being a whiny damsel in distress to taking agency in a dramatic way, even if she did have to lose her mind and act like …

Review of 'The Man in the High Castle' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I picked up this novel because I enjoy the TV series. I have to say that there are very few parallels between the two. The TV series is more of a dystopian soap opera and the novel is more of a fatalistic, alternative history and discourse on humanity. Both are good but the TV Series is much broader, more detailed, and in-depth. There are numerous thematic threads that appear in the series but not in the novel; and vice versa. Of al the Philip K. Dick books I've tried (3) this one is the most readable and enjoyable.

Review of 'The Man in the High Castle' on 'Goodreads'

1 star

One by one, you're introduced to a cavalcade of unlikable characters, waiting for an actual narrative to begin. It starts in the last 50 pages, with brutal descriptiveness, and stops abruptly shortly thereafter without providing much of any resolution.

After reading it, I felt more disappointed at the missed opportunity to tell an interesting story in the world that was built so laboriously than anything else.

Review of 'The man in the high castle' on 'Goodreads'

1 star

One by one, you're introduced to a cavalcade of unlikable characters, waiting for an actual narrative to begin. It starts in the last 50 pages, with brutal descriptiveness, and stops abruptly shortly thereafter without providing much of any resolution.

After reading it, I felt more disappointed at the missed opportunity to tell an interesting story in the world that was built so laboriously than anything else.

reviewed The Man in the High Castle by Philip K. Dick (A Berkley medallion book -- D3080.)

Review of 'The Man in the High Castle' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I read this book because I'd seen a couple of episodes of the TV series. Honestly, as usual, the book is better. They took a lot of liberties with the series (only way to stretch a relatively short book that long,) and the characters are sometimes quite different.

This is classic Phillip K. Dick. Dystopian alternative future. It's very conceptual, rather than character-driven, although a couple of the characters are better developed than the rest. Worth a read, for sure.

reviewed The Man in the High Castle by Philip K. Dick (A Berkley medallion book -- D3080.)

Review of 'The Man in the High Castle' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

The Man in the High Castle has been on my shelves unread for years yet I’m not sure I would have picked it up if it weren’t for book group. Josh had recently started it and given up and I’d seen the Amazon adaptation (which I enjoyed and would recommend even if you didn’t get on with the book).

I think it really helped having an idea of the characters before I started. I can see how most of my book group (and Josh) struggled to get into it. There’s quite a few different characters and it can seem like they are not really connected. The adaptation is pretty different from the book but the characters are essentially the same people.

The Grasshopper Lies Heavy is a book within a book. It is widely available in the Pacific States and the neutral Mountain States but banned in the Nazi ruled …

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