Little Brother

library binding, 432 pages

Published April 13, 2010 by Turtleback Books, Brand: Turtleback.

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4 stars (219 reviews)

Seventeen year old Marcus and his friends are in the wrong place at the wrong time during a major terrorist attack on San Francisco. They are held be the Department of Homland Security for days before being release only to discover that their city has turned into surveillance society police state. They decide to resist in the only way they know how by taking on the DHS.

This book is distributed freely under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike license from the author's website.

31 editions

Review of 'Little brother' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

I absolutely loved this book, despite being 20-25 years above the target YA age range. I've been a fan of Doctorow for some years, following his work with EFF, ORG, and his writing in general. This book in particular struck a chord because of its Orwellian theme, the use of modern technology to overcome unreasonable obstacles, its relevance to today's post-9/11 world (and its lack of regard for Ben Franklin's quote about liberty and security), and its exhortation from beginning to end that looking inside the box to understand what makes it tick is okay -- not something to be legislated against or feared. Hackers make the world go around.

I wish books like this existed when I was a young adult. But I suppose they did for their time: 1984, The Death of Grass, Flowers for Algernon, Brave New World, and so forth. I'd put this book on the …

Review of 'Little Brother' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This is my new favorite fiction novel. This book felt realistic to me. I found it more engaging than 1984.

Looking over other reviews I see people noted that the antagonist was a straw man, the techno-slang was distracting, and the romance was cliche. I found Charles less ridiculous than Draco Malfoy and the slang much less distracting than Neuromancer. The romance was cliche, but it was teenage. I occasionally questioned some of the technical specifics, but I didn't get hung up on any plot holes.

Review of 'Little Brother' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

In a society which is a bit too close for comfort to ours, Marcus, a 17yo teenager, happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, gets accused of terrorism, is put in jail and interrogated. He ends up being released, and fights against the surveillance society he's living in. Quite nice, believable when it comes to technical stuff, sometimes even didactic (slightly heavy-handed at times though). The current events make the whole thing all the more believable and timely, which makes it somewhat scary.

Review of 'Little Brother' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I wish I had read this earlier. It's been sitting on my "To Read" pile for a couple of years. I suspect there aren't many other young adult novels that place the Department of Homeland Security as the villain. There probably should be more. Plus some other three letter agencies. I would have liked to see more character development of Marcus's parents especially his father. Some place for them in the denouement would have been good along with the reporter. Charles as the foil was a little flat to my taste and too easily defeated. I think I need to go pick up the sequel.

reviewed Little Brother by Cory Doctorow (Little Brother, #1)

Review of 'Little Brother' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

I haven't read anything by [a:Cory Doctorow|12581|Cory Doctorow|] since [b:Someone Comes to Town Someone Leaves Town|29588|Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town|Cory Doctorow||824466] first came out. Part of that is because that story blew. Part of it is also because my best friend was banned from Boing Boing after making a perfectly reasonable, but contrary, comment on one of Cory's posts at that blog. (In fairness, I don't know that it was Cory who banned him – it may have been some overambitious site moderator.) Both of those things have left bad tastes in my mouth, and when I get a bad taste from something, I tend not to taste it again.

I changed my mind with regard to Little Brother after taking Dr. [a:Amy H. Sturgis|785795|Amy H. Sturgis|]'s Dystopian Tradition class at The Mythgard Institute. In that class, we read George Orwell's classic [b:1984|5470|1984|George Orwell||153313] (full review …

Review of 'Little Brother' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

The writing could be a little better, he could get into the tech details a little less, but subject makes up for it. The book is an exaggerated version of reality. We have given up privacy and liberty for a feeling of safety. The recent Snowden leaks show that the government is spying on many americans.

reviewed X by Cory Doctorow (Nuova Narrativa Newton n. 192)

Review of 'X' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Questo romanzo ha un sacco di difetti: gli adolescenti protagonisti sono troppo svegli e consapevoli, a volte è troppo didascalico,troppo a tesi precostituita, troppo tecno entusiasta e tecno ottimista, troppo americanocentrico.
Eppure è un romanzo che cattura.
Sappiate che se iniziate a leggerlo non riuscirete a staccare gli occhi dalle pagine se non dopo moltissimo tempo, se lo leggete di notte sarà anche peggio perché, non importa a che improponibile ora del mattino avete puntato la sveglia, non riuscirete a smettere di leggere. Quando un libro ha questa capacità, tutti i difetti passano in secondo piano e smettono di dare fastidio.
La storia di un gruppo di adolescenti che grazie alla tecnologia riesce a salvare la democrazia americana che, dopo dei sanguinosi attentati, si stava velocemente trasformando in un totalitarismo paranoico, potrà sembrare inverosimile ma, con un intreccio costruito così bene, non ci si fa proprio caso.

Review of 'Little Brother' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

I am no longer an e-book virgin.

I have just finished reading Cory Doctorow’s Little Brother, which you can purchase through your local bookstore or if you have an e-reader or Kindle for PC you can download it here legally and for free in multiple formats. Cory does this with all of his novels – that’s right all for FREE.

If you have trouble understanding this concept check out his explanation here.

I have been sceptical about e-readers. I thought I was destined to be the one of the last of a dying breed of people – those brought up on paper books. Indeed I struggle at reading long pdf’s and in the past if even if a book existed free or in text/ html I much preferred to read it in paper format.

E-readers and e-reading software I think has changed that, especially for me. I am now considering …

Review of 'Little Brother' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Free downloads of all the author's books at

The Boing-boing contributor's young adult tale of the Department of Homeland Security running roughshod over San Francisco after a terrorist attack on the Bay Bridge drew me in with believable characters and near-future tech and politics. Much of the technology -- anonymous internet access, hand-held RFID cloners -- exist currently and the included Resources section is a valuable aid in finding out more about the tech and privacy issues presented in the novel. This story would be a great introduction for a high school class to discuss privacy, patriotism, and security in our technological lives, especially in Dick Cheney's America. However, take it from someone way too old to be be target audience for this book: Contrary to the author's claim, the sex scene is not hot.

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