672 pages

English language

Published June 27, 2016 by Penguin Random House.

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4 stars (206 reviews)

Jane Eyre (originally published as Jane Eyre: An Autobiography) is a novel by English writer Charlotte Brontë, published under the pen name "Currer Bell", on 16 October 1847, by Smith, Elder & Co. of London. The first American edition was published the following year by Harper & Brothers of New York. Jane Eyre is a Bildungsroman which follows the experiences of its eponymous heroine, including her growth to adulthood and her love for Mr. Rochester, the brooding master of Thornfield Hall.The novel revolutionised prose fiction by being the first to focus on its protagonist's moral and spiritual development through an intimate first-person narrative, where actions and events are coloured by a psychological intensity. Charlotte Brontë has been called the "first historian of the private consciousness", and the literary ancestor of writers like Proust and Joyce.The book contains elements of social criticism with a strong sense of Christian morality at its …

23 editions

Review of 'Jane Eyre' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Siempre me han atraído esos libros que, considerándose "clásicos" de la literatura, rompen con el canon masculino que lleva siglos imponiéndose. 'Jane Eyre' es uno de ellos, pero me parece importante advertir sobre una obviedad: fue escrito hace 200 años. Es decir, sería un error acercarnos a esta novela con la expectativa de leer algo parecido a un tratado fundacional sobre feminismo, tal y como lo entendemos ahora. No lo es. Quizá no está ni cerca de serlo. Pero es que tampoco es su función.
'Jane Eyre' me ha parecido un retrato interesantísimo de la sociedad inglesa de la primera mitad del siglo XIX, en el que, además, Charlotte Brontë se atreve a reflexionar -y esto sí considero que implica una subversión importante del mencionado canon literario hipermasculinizado- sobre la libertad y la agencia de las mujeres como entidades completas en sí mismas, y no como complemento necesariamente subyugado al …

Une lecture douce-amère.

3 stars

J'écris cette chronique à chaud, juste après avoir tourné la dernière page du livre et je pense que le sentiment dans lequel je suis influencera quelque peu ma chronique.

En effet, je suis déçue de la fin de ce roman, partons tout de suite dans les spoilers, la fin me frustre vraiment. Depuis le départ de Jane de chez M. Rochester, je suis frustrée. Alors que je voyais dans cette décision la meilleure qu'elle puisse prendre, elle est revenue vers son maître alors que je pense qu'elle mérite mieux. Et pourtant elle paraît heureuse. Autre chose qui me désole, ce hasard des choses qui fait que par un miracle fou elle se soit retrouvé chez sa seule famille alors qu'elle errait seule dans la campagne anglaise...

Mais revenons sur le début du roman, j'ai eu beaucoup de mal avec la phase enfant et adolescente de Jane bien que j'aie tout …

Review of 'Jane Eyre' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

4.5 stars
Reader, I dearly love this book.

As soon as Jane left school I couldn't put the novel down. Yes, it is cheesy and over-dramatic but it is beautiful nonetheless. I also think that I read this at the perfect time in my life and that I wouldn't have enjoyed it a couple of years ago.

Review of 'Jane Eyre' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

This was dragging along quite a bit. Yes, Jane is independent and knows what she wants and such, but in the end she fits right into what society needs her to be. So even though I respect her as a heroine, I just feel like everything was a bit too conveniently socially acceptable.

Review of 'Jane Eyre' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

When Jane Eyre was originally published, it was called Jane Eyre: An Autobiography edited by Currer Bell (Charlotte Brontë’s pen-name), which in itself is a fascinating insight into this classic novel. The idea Charlotte Brontë wanted this to be viewed as an autobiography implies this is more of a social commentary more than a classic gothic novel. This is what I want to focus my review on; what did she want to say about the world when she wrote this book?

Most people know the plot of Jane Eyre, so we can skip that and go right into the analysis. Bildungsroman is the primary genre of Jane Eyre, which is basically a coming of age story that documents the psychological and moral growth of its protagonist, which is interesting because on the surface there doesn’t seem to be much growth for Jane Eyre. Apart from the class struggle; Jane Eyre …

Review of 'Jane Eyre' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

This is not a book that I can recall ever reading before. I picked it up to read in preperation for reading The Eyre Affair with my local book group.

The first half of the book favorably reminded me of Pride & Prejudice. But then the second half seems to veer way off track to no apparent purpose. To a non-English Literature major, it feels like Ms. Brontë was in need of a better editor. shrug

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  • Fiction, coming of age
  • England, fiction
  • Young women, fiction
  • British and irish fiction (fictional works by one author)
  • Married people, fiction
  • Fathers and daughters, fiction
  • Man-woman relationships, fiction
