Das Foucaultsche Pendel

Hardcover, 767 pages

German language

Published July 1, 2003 by Carl Hanser.

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4 stars (120 reviews)

Drei Mailänder Verlagslektoren, die beruflich ständig über okkulte Wissenschaften, Geheimbünde und kosmische Komplotte lesen müssen, stoßen auf ein äußerst rätselhaftes Dokument aus dem 14. Jahrhundert. Darin ist von alle 120 Jahre wiederkehrenden Zusammenkünften der »36 Unbekannten«, der Nachfahren der mysteriösen Tempelritter, die Rede. Die drei Spötter stürzen sich in das Labyrinth der Geheimlehren. Spielerisch erdenken sie eine gigantische Verschwörung. Aber dann merken sie, daß jemand ihre Phantasien ernst nimmt. Und der schreckt offenbar auch vor Mord nicht zurück ...

64 editions

reviewed De Slinger Van Foucault by Umberto Eco

Relevant premise

2 stars

Tough book to read. This was my third attempt to read it. I love a good historical novel, and I enjoyed 'The Name of the Rose' so much, that I read it either twice or thrice. So for some reason, I decided to give this book a last try.

In the year 2024, the premise of the book is as relevant as ever and the idea of the story is fun. I even have the feeling that the story was meant with a bit of satire.

However, the author overly used esoteric jargon, almost palpably for the sake of letting the world know how much esoteric jargon he knew. Not only did it make the satire fall flat, it also made the story extremely slow to develop.

I feel that the book could have had the exact same story with 200 fewer pages. Then, it would have been a banger.

Da Vinci Code érudit

5 stars

Content warning Divulgâchage partiel en vue.

reviewed Il pendolo di Foucault by Umberto Eco

Tra scienza e rompicapo

4 stars

Libro regalato per il Natale 2002, ha, per me, una certa importanza, poiché inizia con la descrizione del pendolo di Foucault, una sfera metallica fissata alla volta di una cupola da un filo di metallo a massa trascurabile (rispetto alla sfera) messo ad oscillare su un pavimento di sabbia per poter dimostrare il movimento rotatorio della Terra intorno al Sole. La trama fu, all'epoca del liceo, l'impulso per una relazione su Galileo Galiei e la sua vita e il primo tassello verso la strada che mi ha portato a laurearmi in fisica. Il romanzo è strutturato in varie parti secondo le lettere che indicano ciascun nodo dell'albero della vita (a tal proposito rimando per approfondimenti al sito Le sefirot che avevo originariamente utilizzato per scrivere queste note - visto che il sito è offline sono anche riuscito a trovare, e linkare, la versione che presumibilmente consultai all'epoca). Dalla lettura …

captivating and masterfully written

5 stars

A captivating and masterfully written book. I'm not sure if it's the main point of the book, but Eco's commentary on conspiracy theories, those who spin them, and those who believe them, feels incredibly relevant today. Googling the constant references to esoteric books and historical figures was fun and made me feel like I too was uncovering part of The Plan. If you read the book, keep a translating app open for the many quoted book passages and dialogue that has not be translated into English.

unfortunately, too relevant

No rating

I feel like this book has had some bad luck by becoming increasingly true and relevant. Since conspiracy theories have proliferated this decade, we're all thoroughly familiar. Although this book was there first, if you've already had a read through everything on wikipedia and countless thinkpieces on the issue, this feels like more of the basics. What might have been obscure and exciting conspiracy theories, a mindblowing social milieu, and novel analysis when presented for the first time is just not so exciting anymore.
This is solidly a good book - its just that the other Eco novels are better. The ones set in the middle ages are more immersive, more imaginative, more vibrant. It also seems like Eco is taking this seriously instead of "just" having fun. There's an analytical and didactic feel at the heart of this novel, which I didn't like.

Review of "Foucault's Pendulum" on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This book is not for everyone, indeed, quite frankly, I am not sure it is for anyone.

Esoteric. Occult. Arcane. Mystical. History. Theology. A narrative is constructed. Meager turned into essential. Mere contingency into necessity. It all makes sense! Or does it? Well, probably not. I choose to read this book as a cautionary tale of sorts. What happens when one starts narrativizing to excess. After all, our mind is built for it, that is how we make sense of the world around us. If we try hard enough, we can make everything sound plausible and we could fool a significant amount of people, among them ourselves, with a decently constructed all-encompassing narrative. It is absolutely terrifying. Thank goodness such an obvious and easily exploitable flaw could never fuck shit up for real!!!

"There are four kinds of people in this world: cretins, fools, morons, and lunatics.”
“And that covers …

Pidin tästä kovasti — sattumaako?!

5 stars

Suuri salaliittomysteeri, jossa kaikki liittyy kaikkeen ja panoksena ei ole sen vähempää kuin maailman herruuden mahdollistava salaisuus! Kolme palvelukustantamon hirtehistä kustannustoimittajaa leikkii ironisesti käsikirjoitusten hörhötarinoilla, kunnes kaikki alkaa vaikuttaa liian todelta, ja kabbalasta ja temppeliritarien veljeskunnasta liikkeelle lähtevään arvoitukseen kytkeytyy koko ajan uusia ulottuvuuksia. Mielenkiintoista muuten, vasta eilen illalla, luettuani taas sata sivua kirjaa, tulin tietokoneelle istumaan ja ensimmäiseksi näin jonkun väittävän saaneensa käsiinsä aiemmin tuntemattomia temppeliherrain salaisuuksia sisältävän vanhan käsinkirjoitetun muistikirjan — SATTUMAAKO?! Kolmannesvuosisata ilmestymisensä jälkeen Foucaultin heiluri on vain entistäkin ajankohtaisempi, ja mikä parasta, sekä älykäs että hauska.

Eins der besten Bücher das ich kenne

5 stars

Im Grunde eine Anleitunge wie man eine Verschwörungstheorie bastelt - für Fortgeschrittene. Ziemlich dicker Schinken, nicht leicht zu lesen. Und nebenbei verbringt man noch etliche Stunden damit Vieles was erwähnt wird auf Wikipedia nachzuschlagen. Aber meiner Meinung ist es das wert, auch nach mehrmaligem Lesen findet man darin noch Details die man bisher übersehen hat.

Il pendolo di Foucault

5 stars

Il Pendolo di Foucault dovrebbe essere letto da tutti i complottisti. Il gran numero di citazioni, riferimenti e digressioni, dalla storia (e leggenda) dei Templari ai fantomatici Rosa-Croce, alla Cabbala, l'esoterismo e l'occultismo, la massoneria e molto altro, rendono la lettura piuttosto impegnativa, ma mai noiosa o eccessivamente pesante, come invece ho spesso letto in giro. A me è piaciuto tantissimo.

Review of "Foucault's Pendulum" on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

I like the story, but it took me forever to get through. This book is almost impenetrably esoteric, even on Kindle where I could look up words in place and attempt to translate the numerous French and Latin quotations. I'm honestly not sure that I ever actually finished the paperback version that's been on my shelves for years.

Still, it's a thought-provoking and troubling book about the human search for -- and invention of -- meaning. It was certainly one of my first introductions to the concept of apophenia and fed the fuel of my teenage obsession with conspiracy theories.

When I first encountered this book, I thought the difficulty of the text was an indication of its worth. Now I think it is a good story despite how much work it is to read, and it certainly prefigured and influenced many lesser stories, like The Da Vinci Code. But …

Review of "Foucault's Pendulum" on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Finishing this long-winded opus felt like an accomplishment, and I never would have done it, had it not been picked out by my book discussion group. It's not the longest book I've ever read, but it's a tough read, full of esoteric conversations and not much action. However, I did find the characters interesting and mostly likeable. For instance, Belbo's family stories and his fictional writings are intriguing, as are Casaubon's conversations with Amparo and Lia. The ending is something to think about, too.

This novel is something to be experienced, and I'm glad that I did. Don't go reading it for the plot!

Review of "Foucault's Pendulum" on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

meh, got boring. It's cool how they tied all the esoteric religions throughout the centuries together to form one grand occult tradition but damn nothing ever really happens. Self fulfilling prophecies, we make our own reality etc... okay, yeah. I'm sure most of this book went over my head, but I can't see myself rereading it any time soon.

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