Paperback, 550 pages

English language

Published Aug. 1, 2016 by Head of Zeus.

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4 stars (223 reviews)

This is the second novel in the "Remembrance of Earth’s Past" near-future trilogy. Written by the China's multiple-award-winning science fiction author, Cixin Liu.

In Dark Forest, Earth is reeling from the revelation of a coming alien invasion—four centuries in the future. The aliens' human collaborators have been defeated, but the presence of the sophons, the subatomic particles that allow Trisolaris instant access to all human information, means that Earth's defense plans are exposed to the enemy. Only the human mind remains a secret.

This is the motivation for the Wallfacer Project, a daring plan that grants four men enormous resources to design secret strategies, hidden through deceit and misdirection from Earth and Trisolaris alike. Three of the Wallfacers are influential statesmen and scientists, but the fourth is a total unknown. Luo Ji, an unambitious Chinese astronomer and sociologist, is baffled by his new status. All he knows is that he's …

11 editions

Beaucoup de longueurs, une structure du roman trop linéaire et une écriture vraiment aride m’ont empêché de vraiment apprécier ma lecture

3 stars

J’ai lu le premier tome en 2021… mais il faut croire que je n’étais pas pressé de lire la suite puisque je viens seulement de m’y atteler (et de me rendre compte que je n’avais pas rédigé de billet sur le tome 1, oubli réparé hier). Ce qui m’a sans doute convaincu de reprendre la trilogie, c’est l’adaptation Netflix du Problème à trois corps (adaptation très libre mais que j’ai vraiment bien aimé).

Ce 2e volume du Problème à trois corps se passe juste après la découverte de l’arrivée de la flotte trisolarienne venue envahir la Terre, et couvre les 4 siècles qui vont s’écouler avant leur arrivée. Faut-il se battre, sans espoir de victoire ? S’enfuir ? Mais qui partirait ? Qui resterait ? Vivre comme si ne rien n’était car pourquoi s’inquiéter de ce qui pourrait arriver dans quatre siècles ?

Les trisolariens ont un avance technologique majeure, …

reviewed The Dark Forest by Cixin Liu (Remembrance of Earth's Past, #2)

Excellent. On par with Asimov.

5 stars

The second part is as good as the first one. A great combination of astrophysics, sociology, philosophy. Luckily I read Asimov's Foundations before Cixin books and I see there are alot of references and parallels with them. The translation to EN was better and more understandabla in the first part. I had big difficulties imagining characters. Maybe because of Chinese names, or because of their one-dimensionality.

reviewed The Dark Forest by Cixin Liu (Remembrance of Earth's Past, #2)

A dense continuation

4 stars

I tried to read this book earlier but put it down. This time, I listened on audio. The ending this book, or beginning of the next installment, was worth it.

This is a very dense text. It is almost pure plot and setup. But like the first installment's ability to give a sense of cosmic unease just by talking about physics, this book can tip you into dread with exposition. I caught myself creeping into despair yesterday; I had to shake it off.

I can see there is a point to the gloom though. We have to hit the depths before we can be raised back up. I have hope for the next book!

reviewed The Dark Forest by Cixin Liu (Remembrance of Earth’s Past, #2)

Review of 'The Dark Forest' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

MUCH better than the first book in the series. The author was able to weave grandiose fantastical situations, with small personal intimate ones. The first book was hard sci-fi, and this one is even harder. I had an issue with the time skips in the first book, but this one was executed much better in my mind.

The Dark Forest

2 stars

Reading about an ant painstakingly tracing each character on a gravestone signals the early slog. The flatness of the first two parts cannot be pinned entirely on the alternate translator either. The details are dull and offensive. Women squeal and fuss, and when they’re overeducated they calcify. The ones with speaking parts admit that the protagonist is better at their work than they are, or are dismissed as small with no air of authority, or remain nameless and/or are dispatched by violence, or are pure fantasy, insistently innocent and childlike. Colonisers are labelled art-preservingly advanced and the colonised backwards. If you can wade through the carrying over of misogyny and non-Trisolaran imperialism in Liu’s vision, there are some rewards in part three (the teardrop and the cosmic fight for resources are thrilling), still diluted by legitimising a character’s manipulation by threat of suicide, a despair orgy, and rumination-attempts on the …

reviewed The Dark Forest by Cixin Liu (Remembrance of Earth's Past, #2)

Very interesting

4 stars

No spoilers!.

The author manages to create suspense and a believable hostile universe based on our current scientific theories (well stretched too far.. one could say). Its the second part of the trilogy and i found it as interesting as the first.

reviewed The Dark Forest by Cixin Liu (Remembrance of Earth's Past, #2)


5 stars

This book is in a lot of ways more of everything that Three Body Problem was. It's a huger sweep, a pretty intense exploration of how getting thrown into responsibility can break people, and it builds on a lot of the ideas of the first book about how ununified people would be in response to a threat like this - stuff that now looks rather prescient after a year and a half of covid. It does also suffer from the same weaknesses, perhaps even intensified. In particular there's not much dialogue that is really characters being theirselves as opposed to Liu exploring an idea through his characters. But the good parts were so compelling that this was far from ruining the book for me.

I was left with a few questions, two of which seem like weaknesses of the book: 1) Why did Ye pick Luo to have the conversation …

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