Childhood's End

Mass Market Paperback, 224 pages

English language

Published May 12, 1987 by Del Rey.

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4 stars (195 reviews)

Childhood's End is a 1953 science fiction novel by British author Arthur C. Clarke. The story follows the peaceful alien invasion of Earth by the mysterious Overlords, whose arrival ends all war, helps form a world government, and turns the planet into a near-utopia. Many questions are asked about the origins and mission of the aliens, but they avoid answering, preferring to remain in their ships, governing through indirect rule. Decades later, the Overlords eventually show themselves, and their impact on human culture leads to a Golden Age. However, the last generation of children on Earth begin to display powerful psychic abilities, heralding their evolution into a group mind, a transcendent form of life.

58 editions

Clàssic imprescindible

5 stars

Quantes històries hi ha d'invasions alienígenes? Aquí en Clarke ens n'explica una de ben diferent.

Un bon dia, a les ciutats més importants del món, apareixen unes naus alienígenes immenses. Tothom ho té clar al veure-les, la història de la humanitat es troba en un punt d'inflexió, com quan l'ésser humà es va tornar sedentari, o va començar l'escriptura.

Els visitants, que no volen mostrar-se, de seguida ho deixen molt clar: no volen invadir-nos, només volen ajudar-nos a millorar la qualitat de vida de tots els humans. Aconseguir la pau mundial, erradicar la fam i les malalties, etc. L'única condició, a canvi, és abandonar la nostra ambició d'explorar l'espai exterior.

NOTA: si llegiu aquesta edició de Duna Llibres, deixeu la Introducció pel final, ja que explica un espòiler que fa que la primera part perdi una mica la gràcia.

TV and Radio are outdated, but this book is not

5 stars

Childhood’s End, by Arthur C. Clarke, is a book about the fate of humanity after they make contact with a benevolent alien race, that helps them reach a Golden Age of progress and peace. So, what if aliens invaded the planet, but they actually helped us build a utopia? And why?

Compared to the previous two books I read, that also deal with Humanity making contact with alien life. Childhood’s End takes place in Earth itself, in a time where humans are barely getting started in the space race, and right when they’re about to take their first steps, they realize they already lost—they are not alone.

These aliens, known as the Overlords, do not come to cause havoc, but they seem to want to help us. They end war, they end animal cruelty, they end racism, divisions and countries. They intend to help humanity achieve a united planet, a …


3 stars

Written in 1953 and covering Clarke's ideas of modernity and social philosophy, it was interesting to compare reality with the fictional predictions of how to create utopia. Two moments stood out: the invention of birth control and paternity testing leading to the end of "Puritan aberration"; and while he claims, " Evil men could be destroyed, but nothing could be done with good men who were deluded," he doesn't seem to apply this to systems-thinking. So, there's a lot of racism and patriarchy in a book that is trying to write those things out of fictional existence. I imagine Escher's flawed hand drawing the flawed human. He also had a character outraged at the THREE whole hours of radio/TV consuming people's minds, and how this was a blight on humanity's creativity and thinking. That one he seems to have nailed pretty spot-on. His solution for it was odd, and left …

Good look into human existence

4 stars

This book holds up fairly well. I don't know what I was expecting, maybe overly heavy prose or a strict adherence to science. But Clarke just tells the story.

Of course there's anachronisms; it was written in 1953. Like the jarring use of the n-word, even though he uses it to express it's silliness. And although superbly advanced, they still use TVs and faxes. Kinda funny.

But he gets the important things right making the extrapolations thoughtful, even to us future-people. Like check this passage where he gets it so wrong (the time) yet perfectly right:

"If you went without sleep and did nothing else, you could follow less than a twentieth of the entertainment that's available at the turn of a switch! No wonder that people are becoming passive sponges--absorbing but never creating. Did you know that the average viewing time per person is now three hours a day?" …

Review of "Childhood's End (Arthur C. Clarke Collection)" on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

As influential as this book may have been, it's not aged well. It feels like a counterpoint to The War of the World's: instead of "what if invasive colonialism happened to us?" resulting in death and destruction, we get benevolent dictators and a passive population that just rolls with it. The two women in the book are both objectified and infantalised, and while a prominent character in the book is black, there's some distinctly awkward race chat when he's introduced. This might have been considered progressive for the 50s, it seems well intended, but it's still pretty ignorant. The books conclusion is a bummer that again relies on the entire population of the earth shrugging when it hits an existential crisis. Always interesting to go back into the greatest hits of the genre, but I'm not sure this improves on TWotW in any meaningful way.

Review of "Childhood's End (Arthur C. Clarke Collection)" on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

What a wonderful book, especially in its ending and there is nothing I can say to summarize or analyze this book better than this quote:

“So this, thought Jan, with a resignation that lay beyond all sadness, was the end of man. It was an end that no prophet had foreseen – an end that repudiated optimism and pessimism alike.

Yet it was fitting: it had the sublime inevitability of a great work of art. Jan had glimpsed the universe in all its immensity, and knew now that it was no place for man. He realized at last how vain, in the ultimate analysis, had been the dream that lured him to the stars.

For the road to the stars was a road that forked in two directions, and neither led to a goal that took any account of human hopes or fears.”

Review of "Childhood's End (Arthur C. Clarke Collection)" on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

I was quite enjoying this "science fiction classic" about Earth's first contact with vastly advanced aliens, right up until the point where telepathy and other paranormal powers became a thing, and then it lost me. That's not science fiction, and it's also just a big huge deus ex machina plot device. Meh. I could deal with there not being a single female character of the slightest interest, given this was written in the late 50s, but don't call it science fiction if your plot is going to revolve around phenomena that the book itself describes as unexplainable by science. Blah.

Review of "Childhood's end" on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This was the moment when history held its breath, and the present sheared asunder from the past as an iceberg splits from its frozen, parent cliffs, and goes sailing out to sea in lonely pride.

Perspective is a fickle thing. You can go about your days thinking you’re engaged with your life. That you’re working towards increasing in knowledge & understanding. Though you continue to hope to grow in depth and awareness, you feel like you’ve don’t a good job mining the depths of yourself and what it means to be human.Then, as if a freight train has passed with in inches of your face, you are startled into awareness that you are nothing more than kid swimming in a back yard kiddie pool.For me, Childhood’s End is the freight train and Arthur C. Clarke is the conductor.To any fan of SciFi, the premise of this book is simple, it’s …

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  • Science fiction
  • Fiction - Science Fiction
  • Fiction
  • Science Fiction - Space Opera
  • Fiction / Science Fiction / General
