Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell

A Novel

864 pages

English language

Published April 26, 2020 by Bloomsbury Publishing USA.

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4 stars (160 reviews)

Published in 2004, it is an alternative history set in 19th-century England around the time of the Napoleonic Wars. Its premise is that magic once existed in England and has returned with two men: Gilbert Norrell and Jonathan Strange. Centred on the relationship between these two men, the novel investigates the nature of "Englishness" and the boundaries between reason and unreason, Anglo-Saxon and Anglo-Dane, and Northern and Southern English cultural tropes/stereotypes. It has been described as a fantasy novel, an alternative history, and a historical novel. It inverts the Industrial Revolution conception of the North-South divide in England: in this book the North is romantic and magical, rather than rational and concrete.

43 editions

Review of "Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell Boxed Three Volume Collector's Edition" on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

I fear I will never be satisfied by a book about magicians.

Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell has some great ideas and pleasant prose, but the bones of the story don't hold together enough to make a satisfying book. Granted, it is Susanna's Clarke's first novel so some problems with the construction are to be expected, but what the book is sorely in need of is an aggressive editor. The book is simply too long: it's a rare thing that the book would be better if none of the main plot were changed but 200 pages of extraneous material were removed. It's inexcusable that the book does not begin to cohere until the third act after 600 odd pages of meandering. If the end came more quickly, then the unsatisfying mystique of it could be explained by a lack of development, but shoe horning in a half baked ending after …

Review of "Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell Boxed Three Volume Collector's Edition" on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Je crois qu'il s'agit de la deuxième ou troisième fois où j'ai commencé à lire ce long roman. J'ai lu plusieurs critiques qui confirmaient l'impression que j'avais gardé de ce livre : c'est lent, il ne se passe grand chose, et les digressions sont nombreuses. Mais cette fois, je suis allé au bout, et je ne le regrette pas. Là où je diverge des critiques que j'ai lues, c'est que je n'ai pas pensé "tout ça pour ça !" à la fin de ma lecture, bien au contraire. Même si le début (et même le milieu !) du roman est lent et qu'on ne comprend pas forcément où cela va nous amener, j'ai adoré la fin et j'ai finalement apprécié que tout cela ait été amené avec subtilité et en décrivant au préalable un univers précis et passionnant. Je ne sais pas si j'aurai le courage de relire ce pavé …

Review of "Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell Boxed Three Volume Collector's Edition" on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

Sadly, I didn't care for this book - it just didn't engage me. I found the setting interesting, but not enough so to carry the book - and for me, the characters and the meandering plot were both lacking. I found it slow going, and it's only because I'm too stubborn to abandon a book half-read (unless it's TRULY awful) that I finished it at all.

This is not to say that it's not a good book, and I'm sure there are plenty of readers who will love it. It just wasn't for me.

Review of "Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell Boxed Three Volume Collector's Edition" on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

This was a wonderful book. I found it extremely imaginative, it gave me the impression that inventing small side stories and fleshing-out details came very easily to the author, and it's all very enjoyable to read. The scale of the story is large, ambitious, and convincing, while at the same time, essentially a fairy tale.

My only complaint is exactly that: at times, the book was too much of a fairy tale. The magicians' powers seem immense in one field and very limited in another. This caused me to lose faith in any notion of measure for a magician's power. A magician can move whole cities, why can't they just win a war with a single word? Why can't they just assassinate someone in France? I'm not saying there should be specific rules, that would be silly and gamey, and I would still complain. But here, magic was totally random. …

Review of 'Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

What a delicious surprise. This was ... quite unlike anything I was expecting. It works at so many levels: the characters, the setting, the story. The prose. Oh, the words:

The day of the visit was preceded by stormy weather; rain had made long ragged pools in the bare, brown fields; wet roofs were like cold stone mirrors; and Mr. Honeyfoot's post-chaise travelled through a world that seemed to contain a much higher proportion of chill grey sky and a much smaller one of solid comfortable earth than was usually the case.

That brought me to a screeching halt just a few pages in. I had to reread it. Then slow down. Read it again. And, with a sigh, realize that this was not going to be a quick read. Not only is it a tome, I was going to have to read it at a gentler pace. And I …

Review of "Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell Boxed Three Volume Collector's Edition" on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

One of the most entertaining and well constructed books I have ever read. The author has a prodigious imagination and made the book and absolute delight to read. My one complain is that I could see some of the way things would end in the text before they occurred. This in addition to some awkward plot points made the ending a bit tedious. Overall though, a great read well worth your time.

Review of 'Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This book is amazing. I listened to it after listening to Dickens's Christmas Carol (which was excellent) and the first two books in the Bartimaeus Trilogy (which are enjoyable). This was like the perfect mix. The imagination of Stroud with the writing skill of Dickens. It also reminds one of Neil Gaiman's American Gods. Brilliant. I will certainly pick up an illustrated copy and read it in the years to come.

Review of 'Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This book is simply amazing. I think it may be the best novel of this length (more than 800 pages) that I've ever read. It's witty, compassionate, lyrical and masterfully paced. The characters are enchantingly eccentric, the footnotes are brilliant, and there wasn't a paragraph I found boring or unnecessary. Immersive, compelling, solidly grounded in fairy tale logic, historical fact, and English humor... very hard to put down!

Review of "Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell Boxed Three Volume Collector's Edition" on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Susanna Clarke’s first novel is an extraordinarily imaginative tale about two magicians during the early 1800s, in which magic and fairies are not merely trickery and sleight-of-hand, but real enough to jump out of the pages. There are a multitude of characters in this novel, and they are all described in lavish detail. Some have Dickensian names, too.

This is a large book--782 pages, which includes lots and lots of tiny footnotes, which function as both asides and background. On some pages, the footnotes actually take over the page, and are some of the most ingenious parts of the book.

We meet Mr. Norrell first. He is a rich, scholarly recluse who lives to read magic books. In fact, he’s intentionally bought up all the available magic books for the purpose of preventing anyone else from studying magic. Norrell is the epitome of self-centered and egotistical, and decides that he …

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