Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

A Novel

Paperback, 856 pages

English language

Published Oct. 29, 2005 by Bloomsbury.

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4 stars (163 reviews)

Published in 2004, it is an alternative history set in 19th-century England around the time of the Napoleonic Wars. Its premise is that magic once existed in England and has returned with two men: Gilbert Norrell and Jonathan Strange. Centred on the relationship between these two men, the novel investigates the nature of "Englishness" and the boundaries between reason and unreason, Anglo-Saxon and Anglo-Dane, and Northern and Southern English cultural tropes/stereotypes.

It has been described as a fantasy novel, an alternative history, and a historical novel. It inverts the Industrial Revolution conception of the North-South divide in England: in this book the North is romantic and magical, rather than rational and concrete.

43 editions

Historical magical realism in England.

4 stars

Excellent writing, with some genuinely funny lines scattered throughout. The story meanders at times and some plot lines could have been merged for brevity's sake (not unusual for first novels), but overall the pages kept turning. I was expecting certain scenes that simply never materialized, which was disappointing. Presents itself as a historical reference, so often the narrative is overly dry and toned down, uncommon for a story about magic (Harry P this is not). From me a solid 3.5, but since that's not an option, I'll round up out of utmost love for Clarke's second novel, Piranesi.

Il più bel romanzo inglese che io abbia mai letto

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Nella mia pluriennale indagine sui capisaldi del fantasy anglofono, era inevitabile che prima o poi mi misurassi con quella prova del fuoco che è Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell: l'altro pilastro della corrente New Weird assieme a Perdido Street Station, il romanzo che sta al corpus di Jane Austen come il Legendarium di J.R.R. Tolkien sta al mito germanico classico, l'opera acclamata come magistrale da alcuni e gettata nel camino da altri. Per parte mia, ricade nei capolavori, e più esattamente nei grandi romanzi mondo (che sono una delle mie passioni) – perché più romanzo mondo di così si muore. Andando dal generale in particolare, Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell consiste di almeno quattro strati diversi che si intrecciano in un tutt'uno: è un romanzo storico sull'Inghilterra della Reggenza, in cui riviviamo dalla prospettiva britannica il grande duello fra il re matto …

Review of 'Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Talk about a slow burner! I'm so torn about this book because it is truly like nothing I've ever read before and it is indeed so special yet somehow not entirely my thing.

Why is it special? It's a very quirky mix between historical novel, alternate reality, and fantasy; written out with so much detail and wit and just the perfect sprinkle of breaking the fourth wall - sometimes a true delight to read!

But sometimes oh-so-long! Dare I say boring? The world-building is so detailed that I was lost in descriptions or character introductions. Jonathan Strange didn't appear until page 200! And that is amazing and part of the beauty but also maybe its downfall in my humble opinion.

All in all, wonderful book, could use as yoga block, will not read again

Magical History Tour

5 stars

I have literally had a copy of this book since it came out and was finally able to read it through the magic of audiobooks. The narrator is very good and does distinct character voices that made it much easier to follow and digest. The book itself was very enjoyable, as long novels often are, once you really get into them. There is A LOT of world building and detail, and the characters were mutlifaceted and interesting and the language surrouning faerie and magic was very evocative. Highly recommended.

My Favorite Novel

5 stars

I first read Susanna Clarke’s masterpiece when it first came out. I still have the lovingly worn hardcover US edition, with frayed edges and we’ll-thumbed pages. Considering how important ancient and lost texts are to the story, this somehow makes my copy even more authentic somehow. It is a remarkable piece of world-building as well as a literary analysis of early 19th century English Literature. Part Jane Austen, part Patrick O’Brien, and part Ann Radcliffe, this novel feels like the most thoroughly explored world that I’ve ever seen communicated in a single work.

Review of "Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell Boxed Three Volume Collector's Edition" on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

I really wanted to like this, given all of the good reviews. I tried the written book, I tried the audio book. There was a review that said it got better about 8 hours in. I just couldn't make it - there were interesting moments, but it felt like a chore to keep trying to come back to this book.

Review of "Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell Boxed Three Volume Collector's Edition" on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

This book was fine! Not as good as I was expecting based on friends' hype + my love of Piranesi, but maybe I'm just not the target audience for it, since I couldn't care less about British historical fiction. I was hoping for more magic system development, I guess. All the characters were so tedious, which I realize was on purpose and we're supposed to be laughing at them, but the book gave them soooo many pages to go on at length that I found myself just rolling my eyes most of the time. The story did manage to pull me in by the last quarter or so, though.

Review of 'Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

My initial inclination is to give this book 4 stars because I really liked it!! But I almost want to give it 5 stars because of what it achieved, namely keeping my attention for a month. For a variety of reasons, I tend to shy away from books that serve as a nightstand all by themselves, but this one kept my attention, in spite of its wandering and meandering path.

At 900+ pages/26 disks, you don't really expect a tight fast paced story. What you get is an exploration of characters, all of them flawed. You get a look life in an alternate history version of England (and Spain and Italy). You get to see how magic and fairy changed things, and a hint of how they might further change things.

And in the end, it isn't tidy. Threads stick out in all sorts of directions, and life goes on. …

Review of "Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell Boxed Three Volume Collector's Edition" on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This book is excellent! It may begin a little slow, but it picks up eventually. There are many chapters that may not make a lot of sense first, but it all gets clearer as the book progress. The footnotes are lovely, despite their quantity and size. One thing is certain - I'll be reading this book again. Jonathan Strange and Mr Nortel definitely deserves your time!

Review of 'Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This is a masterpiece.  Five stars is not enough.
(BTW, I HATE SPOILERS, so you will NOT find any here.)
Forget everything you think you know about how a novel should be written.  Ms. Clarke makes her own rules and the result is astounding.  I think it is best to approach Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell without any expectations, and to surrender and be led on its sublime odyssey.

In this brilliantly written epic literary historical fantasy (I suppose that is its sub- sub- sub-genre), we are transported to the early 19th century where we meet some very engaging magicians and follow them on their paths, and we explore English magic and its history.‎

I was swept away by the style in which this is written, which is very much like a British classic,‎ so it flawlessly captures the time in which it takes place.  The prose is magnificent …

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  • Teacher-student relationships -- Fiction
  • Magicians -- Fiction
  • Fairies -- Fiction
  • London (England) -- Fiction
  • York (England) -- Fiction
