World War Z

An Oral History of the Zombie War

Hardcover, 342 pages

English language

Published Sept. 12, 2006 by Crown.

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4 stars (332 reviews)

An account of the decade-long conflict between humankind and hordes of the predatory undead is told from the perspective of dozens of survivors who describe in their own words the epic human battle for survival.

Ranging from the now infamous village of New Dachang in the United Federation of China, where the epidemiological trail began with the twelve-year-old Patient Zero, to the unnamed northern forests where untold numbers sought a terrible and temporary refuge in the cold, to the United States of Southern Africa, where the Redeker Plan provided hope for humanity at an unspeakable price, to the west-of-the-Rockies redoubt where the North American tide finally started to turn, this invaluable chronicle reflects the full scope and duration of the Zombie War.

36 editions

Wow. Nothing like the movie and an intensely gripping read.

5 stars

This book tells the fictional story of the Zombie War in what looks like first hand accounts with interview questions, footnotes and information about the setting. Despite this unique structure it was a real page turner that I could barely put down once I started reading. It paints a very smart picture of the choices, desparation and outcomes such a scenario would produce. And: It has nothing to do with the movie. In fact, I was surprised how different the book was.

Guerra Mundial Z

2 stars

Me ha resultado muy entretenido, uno de esos libros que no puedes dejar de leer y que se devoran sin darte cuenta. Está escrito con un estilo periodístico sobrio, pues lo que se supone que leemos es un informe fruto de las entrevistas de un investigador. Cada una de esas entrevistas conforma un relato breve de un superviviente en un lugar del mundo.

Hasta aquí todo bien. ¿Lo malo? Pues un montón de cosas:

  • La principal es la típica falta de profundidad del lenguaje propia de todo bestseller de moda y que a mí me deja una sensación de vacío tremenda. Una cosa es que el estilo sea sobrio y otra cosa que no exista ninguna ambición de hacer algo que merezca la pena con las palabras.

  • Todos los personajes tienen la misma voz. Esto se hace especialmente tedioso y me parece un fallo estilístico imperdonable. Vale que lo que …

One for US military enthusiasts

2 stars

Some time in the 2000s I remember stumbling on a lengthy set of Reddit posts asking "what if a force of modern US Marines found themselves stranded in Ancient Rome?". Much of this book is that, but for the zombie apocalypse. If you enjoyed that Reddit series then you'll probably enjoy this in the same way.

At other points in this fictional "oral history" I found myself thinking fondly of the late Studs Terkel's engrossing (real) oral history book Hard Times. I noticed Studs was thanked in the Afterword (along with George Romero, obvs). Hard Times is a classic because it captures different overlapping experiences of the Great Depression in people's own words, recorded by the author with dignity and respect. I think Max Brooks aimed for a fictional form of this, but missed the heart and soul of it - overlapping accounts of the same experience told by real, …

Review of 'World War Z' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

This book is about as 2006 as you can get. It should be studied in a museum for how Americans used to see themselves and the rest of the world at the height of neoliberal self-belief. It is a story written in a world before the GFC, Trump, and COVID.

The best example is China being shown as technologically backwards and administratively inept with their inferior communist government.

The concept is cool, but hard to pull off in an engaging way. Also I can't be the only one confused at how similar every single person sounded. Surely you could get an editor to run through it and help give each individual a unique voice. I didn't even realise some characters had come back at the end without checking their names.

A really engaging read

4 stars

The last quarter of the book felt a little slow, but the novel had such a great mix of action-packed accounts and cryptic backstories that I had a hard time putting it down. I find zombie movies boring and samey, but the level of detail and the variety of stories written in this book added a layer of interest I’ve never seen before in any zombie creative work.

Review of 'World War Z' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Me encantan los falsos documentales, y esto lo parece mucho.
Reconstrucción de la infección, casi aniquilación de la humanidad, guerra mundial y victoria sobre los zombies, mediante una serie de entrevistas a testigos de semejante carnicería. Muy buen ritmo, no se puede soltar.
Un poco desasosegante para leer durante la cuarentena, eso sí.

Review of 'World War Z' on 'Goodreads'

No rating

Written like a historical narrative, this book is giving me the satisfaction of knowing that come the zombie attack, I'll be ready. Or a nuclear winter. Or anything else horrible that can happen. Like Angie said, I own an axe and can knit everyone sweaters.

Review of 'World War Z' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

After watching the wonderful World War Z movie, I looked up the book on wikipedia to get additional information on the story. I discovered that the movie is actually totally different from the book, but it sounded fascinating so I decided to check it out. Great decision.

A true movie of the book would be like a Ken Burns documentary. WWZ is essentially a series of first-person short stories on a common theme telling a chronological history of the zombie apocalypse. Some stories are a couple of paragraphs, others go on for a while, but each feels essential.

This is a wonderfully imaginative book, and remarkably well thought out. It is a very believable story; the author really thought about realistic scenarios for a strange plague that must be fought not with medical treatment but with guns and swords.

The book is surprisingly affecting. I'd felt moved by the overwhelming …

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  • Fiction
  • Fantasy
  • Science Fiction
  • Zombies
  • Post Apocalyptic
  • War
