Wyrd Sisters

, #6

Mass Market Paperback, 265 pages

English language

Published Jan. 31, 2001 by HarperTorch.

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4 stars (255 reviews)

Meet Granny Weatherwax, the most highly regarded non-leader a coven of non-social witches could ever have. Generally, these loners don't get involved in anything, much less royal intrigue. But then there are those times they can't help it. As Granny Weatherwax is about to discover, though, it's a lot harder to stir up trouble in the castle than some theatrical types would have you think. Even when you've got a few unexpected spells up your sleeve.

37 editions

Review of 'Wyrd Sisters' on 'Storygraph'

4 stars

 Muse Reads Discworld in Release Order, Part 6

"Words," said Granny, half to herself. "That's all that's left. Words."

I loved Granny Weatherwax in Equal Rites, so I was thrilled to not only see her here, but to find out that she now has two equally fun witches to bounce off of. I adore Magrat and the ways she’s trying to navigate what she thinks a witch ought to be like versus the reality of the witch that she is, and I find Nanny hilarious in the ‘old lady who has lived so long and seen so much that she doesn’t care what anyone thinks of her and her family anymore’ kind of way. 

The witches completely steal the show, which in many ways is the opposite of a problem, but it does make for a bit of an unfocused read. There’s Shakespearean parody and clearly some commentary on the …

reviewed Wyrd Sisters by Terry Pratchett (Discworld, #6)


No rating

I didn't like this one as much. I found it hard to follow the plot and I disliked how a lot of characters were .. characterised. I also suspect that a lot of references went right over my head, since I haven't really read any Shakespeare, and I've ignored all summaries of Shakespeare that ever showed up in my life.

The best one since the last one.

5 stars

Granny Weatherwax was great in her previous outing in "Equal Rites", but it's the bickering trio of Granny, Nanny and Magrat, introduced in this book for the first time, that really bring the Witches stories to life.

This book also introduces a sense of progress and dynamism to the Discworld that is largely absent in the previous books, but will become a staple as the series progresses. Previous books have high stakes sometimes, but don't ultimately alter the status quo - Equal Rites did not end with women being accepted as wizards, everything is restored with a snap of the fingers at the end of Sourcery, etc. In Wyrd Sisters we see multiple characters breaking out of their rigid, pre-ordained roles, and a sort of renaissance taking root in the founding of the Dysk theatre. Though it seems almost incidental to the plot, it leaves the world altered.

reviewed Wyrd Sisters by Terry Pratchett (Discworld, #6)

Solid, vivid and with a fun plot, but a bit flat philosophy-wise

4 stars

A great continuation of the storyline of witches, but this one is about craft, betrayal and Agatha Christy-esque finale. Colourful and interesting read, but – as we know – Pratchett could and did do books where it's all that plus a lot of depth.

I did love the quote where he compares Ankh-Morpork with a drain where everyone ends up and can't escape. As a relatively newfound Londoner, it strikes a chord.

Review of 'Wyrd Sisters' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

One of his masterpieces, and even better on rereading (although I can’t remember my first reading). The tension in this one is painful: helplessness in the face of tyranny was especially excruciating right now, days before the 2022 midterm elections. Even his humor, sharp and insightful and at his best, has uncomfortable cautionary undertones.

Review of 'Wyrd Sisters' on 'Storygraph'

3 stars

WYRD SISTERS became enjoyable about halfway through, which was either when the Shakespeare references really got going or is just when I realized they were happening at all. I got enough of them for it to be funny, but it also means that a lot of the humor is referential, depending on the reader to be familiar with a bunch of other stuff (or in this case, with several specific plays) in order to get the jokes. Discworld humor tends to he referential but this felt like a particularly egregious version since so much of it has one source rather than generally pulling from many disparate inspirations. 

There was a disconcerting amount of humor which revolved around men being in dresses in a theatrical setting. It was particularly frustrating when someone of it was from a Dwarf, who (at least later on in the series) have an approach to gender …

Review of 'Wyrd Sisters' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

É sempre um prazer imenso voltar ao "Mundo do Disco"!

Faz anos que não leio nada de Terry Pratchett, apesar de de ter vários livros dele na estante. Contudo, "Estranhas Irmãs" eu só fui comprar ano passado. Eu adoro as bruxas do Discworld, é uma das minhas séries favoritas das várias sub-séries que formam o cânone sobre o Disco. O livro #1 da série das Bruxas foi meu primeiro livro de Pratchett -- [b:Equal Rites|34507|Equal Rites (Discworld, #3; Witches, #1)|Terry Pratchett|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1407706800s/34507.jpg|583611] (Direitos Iguais, Rituais Iguais), em que apenas Vovó Cera do Tempo aparece.

Em Estranhas Irmãs, porém, Vovó é acompanhada de Tia Ogg e Margrete. Li em algum lugar que seria uma representação da trindade da "deusa": donzela, mãe e anciã, mas fica aqui minha dúvida sobre quem seria a mãe e quem seria a anciã, pois pelo que parece, Tia Ogg e Vovó Cera do Tempo ambas são anciãs …

Review of 'Wyrd Sisters' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I didn't enjoy this book as much as his previous books, I think a lot of this is down to having seen the animated film version of Wyrd Sisters and for me that dulled some of the jokes.

It is a good story though and granny Weatherwax and Nanny Ogg are fantastic characters, I loved how no matter what the situation Nanny will not be fazed. The fact that these characters are so good makes the rest of the cast no so likeable.

I did enjoy how this reality keeps trying to break through Hwel's dreams. References to Charlie Chaplin kept popping up.

The book is a good read, just not as good as previous books.

Review of 'Wyrd Sisters (Discworld Novels)' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

"Granny turned slowly in her seat to look at the audience. They were staring at the performance, their faces rapt. The words washed over them in the breathless air. This was real. This was more real even than reality. This was history. It might not be true, but that had nothing to do with it.
Granny had never had much time for words. They were so insubstantial. Now she wished that she had found the time. Words were indeed insubstantial. They were as soft as water, but they were also as powerful as water and now they were rushing over the audience, eroding the levees of veracity, and carrying away the past."

"There was something here, he thought, that nearly belonged to the gods. Humans had built a world inside the world, which reflected it in pretty much the same way as a drop of water reflects the landscape. And …

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  • Fantasy - Series
  • Fiction - Fantasy
  • Fantasy
  • Fiction
  • Fiction / General
  • Humorous
  • Discworld (Imaginary place)
  • Witches
  • Fantastic fiction
  • English Science Fiction And Fantasy
  • Fantasy - General
