
eBook, 300 pages

Italian language

Published March 25, 2021 by Fazi.

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4 stars (291 reviews)

Traduzione di Donatella Rizzati

Piranesi vive nella Casa. Forse da sempre. Giorno dopo giorno ne esplora gli infiniti saloni, mentre nei suoi diari tiene traccia di tutte le meraviglie e i misteri che questo mondo labirintico custodisce. I corridoi abbandonati conducono in un vestibolo dopo l’altro, dove sono esposte migliaia di bellissime statue di marmo. Imponenti scalinate in rovina portano invece ai piani dove è troppo rischioso addentrarsi: fitte coltri di nubi nascondono allo sguardo il livello superiore, mentre delle maree imprevedibili che risalgono da chissà quali abissi sommergono i saloni inferiori. Ogni martedì e venerdì Piranesi si incontra con l’Altro per raccontargli le sue ultime scoperte. Quest’uomo enigmatico è l’unica persona con cui parla, perché i pochi che sono stati nella Casa prima di lui sono ora soltanto scheletri che si confondono tra il marmo. Improvvisamente appaiono dei messaggi misteriosi: qualcuno è arrivato nella Casa e sta cercando di …

17 editions

Perfectly Crafted... Fantasy Novel? Oneiric Mystery?

5 stars

It's hard to overstate how much this book feels written specifically for me - I love books with any sort of physically improbable gigantic building, fantasy books where people enter other worlds, academic thrillers, etc - and Piranesi nails the blend perfectly. A sheer delight with an extremely thoughtful denouement.

Wonder, unfolding

5 stars

This is one of those "sense of wonder turned to 11" books for me. A great story that unfolds beautifully in the moment, and also makes you continually re-evaluate what you've read along the way.

The book's description mentions "The Ocean at the End of the Lane" and "Circe" as reference points. While those feel fair, I found myself thinking more about Patrick Rothfuss's "The Slow Regard of Silent Things" and M.R. Carey's Rampart Trilogy ("The Book of Koli", etc). There's a certain feeling I don't have the words to describe, but which feels shared among those books. "Reverence for the mundane" isn't quite it, but maybe close.

I had passed over "Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell" despite many recommendations, and now I feel compelled to revisit that!

Piranesi by Susanna Clarke

5 stars

This is one of those books that's unlike any other. It's surreal and dreamy and the sheer "what the heck's going on?" factor compelled me to read it all in one day.

A novel like this - light on plot, with an extremely limited cast of characters, told in an epistolary style - really sinks or swims on the narrative voice. Luckily the titular Piranesi is fun to read, and comes across as practical and clever, curious and sweet. His ignorance is charming rather than frustrating, and of course his naivete is all part of the mystery.

Highly recommended to anyone who loves an atmospheric and/or experimental story.

Review of 'Piranesi' on 'Goodreads'

1 star

They were all enamoured with the idea of progress and believed that whatever was new must be superior to what was old. As it merit was a function of chronology!

This booked flirted with DNF territory multiple times. The first third felt tedious and repetitive. I can embrace the unfamiliar and unknown but I prefer to have a reason to keep reading. With Piranesi I kept reading because it had to get better, right?

After a conversation The Other had with Piranesi the story began to take shape, my interest was piqued and I pushed through.

This book may have only been a few hundred pages but it felt like it kept going like one of the hundred Halls in the House. Had the book been longer it would have been easier to stop reading, but sunk cost fallacy got me and I justified a few more hours of time …

Review of 'Piranesi' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Wow, I did not expect the direction this book would take. It was a very interesting read, and initially I thought it would be something mythological rather than arcane. The mix of journal entries and in-person events always pulled me further into the story. What I really like about Piranesi is that it doesn't provide all the answers and it leaves a bit of a mystery behind. What is the House, and how large is it? Are there other worlds? Who exactly are some of the people we meet? It simply doesn't give an exact answer, which I really like because not everything needs an answer. Sometimes the mystery is more appealing than the answer.

Review of 'Piranesi' on 'Goodreads'

No rating

I definitely started confused. I eventually figured out what the story was about and realized that I both need to focus more than many fiction books I read and that most of the details thrown at me were relevant to the narrator but not to the overall story so I didn't need to focus as much as I'd initially thought.

It did eventually become more enjoyable and more understandable so I read until the end and I'm glad I did.

The story will likely stick with me, mostly because I like this sort of "lost in another world" story. If you like Dr. Who maybe you'll like this?

Review of 'Piranesi' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Why I Picked It Up ##

Because Susanna Clarke. She has earned my undying affection with Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell.

## What I Liked About It ##

Dreamy spaces. The mystery. One of my favorite parts was actually Piranesi's journals. I adore a good information system.

## What I Didn't Like About It ##

Nothing? Maybe the ending didn't quite satisfy my lust for vengeance? But in the end, the beloved child of the house didn't thirst for vengeance, and so I suppose I mustn't.

## Who I'd Recommend It To ##

Everybody. It's short. The payoff is good.

Review of 'Piranesi' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

3.5 rounded up. I felt there was too much exposition too early on that made Piranesi's Stockholm syndrome really frustrating to read. Because of this lull in the middle, the conclusion felt it came all of a sudden and was ultimately unsatisfying. The ideas and setting were really interesting however and I enjoyed it overall.

Review of 'Piranesi' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This is a very good novel. By coincidence I read it right after Titus Groan and they make a great pair, both featuring enormous buildings as characters. Piranese is much shorter and less evocative of mood. The story is not forced too much, I would have preferred a deeper sense of the house and Piranese’s connection to it. The wrapping things up also felt unnecessary, I would have been fine with more open future. It could have also been expanded to do more in the wrapping up, Piranese communing in the house with Poor Ritter in a more extended fashion. Suzanne Clarke feels these worlds are important and the consciousness needed for them worthwhile, but for most people I think the house would be a horror or prison. Why it was not for Piranese is worth saying more about.

I rarely ever say this, but I want to read Piranese …

reviewed Piranesi by Susanna Clarke

the universe is a house

5 stars

Such a curious book with a great main character. I love its interpretation of infinity and labyrinths, mapping it in a house that, before Piranesi's eyes, is the whole universe. Few beings inhabit the house, and Piranesi is fascinated by all, including an enigma who goes by The Other.

It's with this childlike wonder that he guides the reader so lovingly through the dizzying architecture of infinity, offering a bright and, in my opinion, endearing voice in the journal entries he loves to write.

I can't say much else because it's really such a unique book in terms of worldbuilding. If you like statues and/or architecture, this will leave you inspired.

One minor but cute character detail that stuck with me: Although it is a world ravaged by floods, the sound of the ocean is calming to Piranesi, and easily it lulls him to sleep.

Something about this sentiment resonates …

Review of 'Piranesi' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

‘It is my belief that the World (or, if you will, the House, since the two are for all practical purposes identical) wishes an Inhabitant for Itself to be a witness to its Beauty and the recipient of its Mercies.’

This is my type of book, apparently. For a good portion of the beginning, I didn’t believe it. I’m not at all a visual reader, so the inundation of rooms and locations was overwhelming and confusing—but I managed to push through it, because Clarke is skillful in slowly exposing the mysteries of the House. This is my first novel by her but hopefuly not my last. Her style in this book reminded me a lot of early 19th century writing—before proper standardization in English, when people used to emphasize almost all nouns for emphasis. Piranesi, the titular character, has nothing to do with the artist—which is what I had assumed …

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