The Hero of Ages

, #3

785 pages

Published Oct. 13, 2008 by Tor Books.

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4 stars (269 reviews)

This book is not only the third book in a trilogy, but it’s Act Three of the the three-act structure for the Mistborn Trilogy—it’s the part of the story where the heroes have discovered that what they thought was the problem all along was not the true danger, and now they’re fighting for not only their own survival but that of the world they live in. The mists are killing people and staying out much longer than they should. The Ashmounts are spewing more and more choking ash into the sky, burying the crops that everyone needs to eat to live. And Ruin, the creature Vin was tricked into freeing from its prison of a millennium, is loose to wreak havoc upon the land. Life under the Lord Ruler is starting to look like paradise in comparison.

While the first book in the trilogy turned the standard fantasy story on …

18 editions

An empire falls and a hero rises from the mists

4 stars

I've read Hero of Ages at least four times and every time is a thrill. I was already on board with the previous two Mistborn novels, but this was the one that solidified my love for Brandon Sanderson's work. No spoilers but the ending of this book is anime as hell and I am hooked on it. This isn't a grounded fantasy epic, it is a shonen anime as the written word.

Review of 'The Hero of Ages' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

An apocalyptic ending that seals Sanderson's reputation. All of the foreshadowing is resolved, unstoppable forces meet immovable objects and we actually get a result more nuanced than "goodies win, baddies lose", we get an actual synthesis of competing forces which alone makes this series stand out.

Given my current non-fiction reading, I found myself reading many of the character groupings as analogies for neurodiverse groups. Allomancers are a minority of the total population, have a spread of abilities that aren't revealed until they've suffered some sort of trauma, but that gives them access to advantages with the right support. Some have increased physical sensitivity, some are more emotionally sensitive, etc. They're even more frequently identified among the upper classes even though they are just as prevalent among society at large. Feruchemists have special interests they are deeply knowledgeable in, tend to be blunt and interested in the truth, but are …

reviewed The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson (Mistborn Era One, #3)

Review of 'The Hero of Ages' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit. What an ending. What a freaking ending man. I loved it so much I low teared up during the climax on two different occasions and the final words of the climax were just jaw dropping, everything wrapped up perfectly. It was so hype, so cool, so emotionally resonate, so powerful. I LOVE IT ALL.

The times I low teared up were Elend and Vin's deaths and "They weren't all true, but they all had truth"

God. The climax was just so good all around. From Vin becoming a god by consuming all the mists, to Elend's suicide charge to defeat ruin (reminds me of a certain other gigachad leader), to Vin's resolve "Did Ruin think she would let their sacrifices be for nothing?" to Sazed absolutely perfect character conclusion, seeing him become a God, fulfilling the prophecies. GOD it was so fucking …

reviewed The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson (Mistborn Era One, #3)

Review of 'The Hero of Ages' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

It's high fantasy so didn't completely expect Vin (nor Elend) to die at the end. A riveting read nonetheless.

Some unexpected twists and turns (Sazed being the hero of ages) and late reveals (nature and appearance of the Preservation power/ god) but also things that are kind of expected (once you know piercing somebody with a metal spike binds them to the Ruin power/ god you know Vin's earring is doing exactly that - although it's "revealed" only later).

reviewed The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson (Mistborn Era One, #3)

a great close to a fantastic trilogy

5 stars

This trilogy really came together so perfectly. So often I will find that I don't particularly like one book or another but in this case, Sanderson delivered three books that each felt unique and complete in themselves but also contributed to a cohesive narrative. Really looking forward to the next trilogy in the series.

reviewed The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson (Mistborn Era One, #3)

Review of 'The Hero of Ages' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

What an exciting end to an enjoyable series! This was emotional, intriguing, tense, exhilarating, and reflective. There was a lot to tie up in this book, and I found it surprising that Sanderson did it so well while also introducing new storylines and tying those up as well! It really speaks to his command of writing and storytelling.

As I generally say with Sanderson books, many of my past criticisms hold true. I felt that is was pointlessly long, and the excessive exposition was particularly noticeable in this book compared to the others. The pacing was fairly touch and go, though I commend Sanderson for getting to the action slightly sooner than the final 80 pages of a 400+ page book cough cough Stormlight cough and also the first two Mistborn books too.... The world building was great as expected, and I really liked how most of the characters …

Review of 'The Hero of Ages' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

I'll give Sanderson this: his ideas of "hard fantasy", meaning magic has to have rules and limitations and be entirely consistent works for some very nice world building. But I've just never been big on epic fantasy. I think my feelings on the whole trilogy were summer up by Sanderson's introduction in which he reported that he was so proud of the epic story he was able to tell in "only" three 700+ page books that would have taken someone else 10. And I just thought of all of the amazing stories I've read that have been single novels or 300-500 page book trilogies and had richer worlds, characters and settings. Sanderson needs to edit. He needs to realize that not every single perspective needs air time and tighter stories are better stories. Also, a world in which every city ruled by a non-noble degenerates into a Communist Russia stereotype …

Review of 'The Hero of Ages' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Contrairement aux deux premiers tomes qui m'avaient tout de suite embarqué, celui-ci m'a semblé un peu long à démarrer. Par contre, une fois qu'il est lancé, le récit devient épique, digne de ce qu'on attend du dernier volume d'une trilogie de fantasy.

Comme pour chacun des deux premiers tomes, Brandon Sanderson utilise des clichés de la fantasy pour les détourner et nous induire en erreur. Evidemment, comme c'est le troisième roman de la trilogie, j'ai été un peu plus méfiant et attentif au détail, ce qui fait que je n'ai été qu'à moitié surpris par la révélation finale, mais cela n'enlève rien au résultat : captivant et terriblement épique.

Dans l'ensemble, nous avons affaire ici à une très bonne trilogie de fantasy, qui a réussi à me réconcilier avec un genre dont je m'étais lassé. Je sais que l'auteur a écrit d'autres romans dans le même univers, mais se déroulant …

Review of 'Hero of Ages' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

What an ending... or last book of the series! Many books jump to answers and the reader is at a loss for an explanation, not here. All the clues were right in front of my face the entire time. You can tell this book was planned out. Things that happened in the first chapters of the first book make so much impact and are wrapped up unlike any other series I have read. It ends not as expected, or as I expected, but was brilliant. Really would like to know how Sanderson did this! No question about it, I will read his other series.

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