La saga Nacidos de la Bruma (Mistborn) es una obra imprescindible del Cosmere, el universo destinado a dar forma a la serie más extensa y fascinante jamás escrita en el ámbito de la fantasía épica.
Durante mil años nada ha cambiado: han caído las cenizas, los skaa han sido esclavizados y el Lord Legislador ha dominado el mundo. Pero lo imposible ha sucedido. El Lord Legislador ha muerto. Sin embargo, vencer y matarlo fue la parte sencilla. El verdadero desafío será sobrevivir a las consecuencias de su caída.
Tomar el poder tal vez resultó fácil, pero ¿qué ocurre después?, ¿cómo se utiliza? La tarea de reconstruir el mundo, ahora que Kelsier no está, ha quedado en manos de Vin. Y las brumas, desde que el Lord Legislador cayó, se han vuelto cada vez más impredecibles...
A medida que el asedio se intensifica, la antigua leyenda del Pozo de la Ascensión …
La saga Nacidos de la Bruma (Mistborn) es una obra imprescindible del Cosmere, el universo destinado a dar forma a la serie más extensa y fascinante jamás escrita en el ámbito de la fantasía épica.
Durante mil años nada ha cambiado: han caído las cenizas, los skaa han sido esclavizados y el Lord Legislador ha dominado el mundo. Pero lo imposible ha sucedido. El Lord Legislador ha muerto. Sin embargo, vencer y matarlo fue la parte sencilla. El verdadero desafío será sobrevivir a las consecuencias de su caída.
Tomar el poder tal vez resultó fácil, pero ¿qué ocurre después?, ¿cómo se utiliza? La tarea de reconstruir el mundo, ahora que Kelsier no está, ha quedado en manos de Vin. Y las brumas, desde que el Lord Legislador cayó, se han vuelto cada vez más impredecibles...
A medida que el asedio se intensifica, la antigua leyenda del Pozo de la Ascensión ofrece un único rayo de esperanza.
En ese mundo de aventura épica, la estrategia política y religiosa debe lidiar con los siempre misteriosos poderes de la alomancia...
Interesting world and magic system, but not very captivating characters. They were more likeable in the first book but feels like they fell apart a bit in this one. Maybe suffering from "middle book in trilogy syndrome".
Considerably less exciting than Mistborn...mostly because it focuses on the inner world of Vin, and her insecurities and lack of self understanding aren't compelling enough to sustain a narrative of this length.
The overlaid story of armies NOT DOING ANYTHING for the majority of the book did not add much in terms of story pacing either.
Overall, this is a real Robert Jordan kind of book. Pointless maneuvering, lots of "girls are so confuuuuuusing!" nonsense, and a series of unsatisfying resolutions serve only to set up the third book.
The prose was even less polished than I'd expect from an accomplished author...Vin repeatedly self refers as an "urchin", for pete's sake.
Second book of Mistborn. Our heroes and the society are getting used to the new circumstances from the end of the first book. But then Luthadel is now besieged by not one, not two, but three armies. An old tale is brought back to life - maybe a way to save everyone. Still very very good. Had to resist starting the third one immediately. Also, DAT END.
I write these words in steel, for anything not set in metal cannot be trusted.
On my third read through I still agree with the 4/5 rating. I can't articulate why the book doesn't deliver a perfect score but the first half of the novel is either a little slow with characters and plot or something else.
Whatever the reason it's a temporary fault because the story does eventually click and have an amazing finish, but it's weighed down by the first half of the book.
There are significant revelations for powers and mythology in the book and never a dull read.
2018 Re-read: Continuing with a five year re-read of the Mistborn trilogy.
Which was more potent? The pain of memory, of the pain of forgetting?
Still good and still agree with the 4/5 rating.
Then they came. Two dark shadows of death in the night. Ravens …
2022 Re-read:
I write these words in steel, for anything not set in metal cannot be trusted.
On my third read through I still agree with the 4/5 rating. I can't articulate why the book doesn't deliver a perfect score but the first half of the novel is either a little slow with characters and plot or something else.
Whatever the reason it's a temporary fault because the story does eventually click and have an amazing finish, but it's weighed down by the first half of the book.
There are significant revelations for powers and mythology in the book and never a dull read.
2018 Re-read: Continuing with a five year re-read of the Mistborn trilogy.
Which was more potent? The pain of memory, of the pain of forgetting?
Still good and still agree with the 4/5 rating.
Then they came. Two dark shadows of death in the night. Ravens in the mist.
Another excellent installment in the Mistborn series that picks up perfectly from Mistborn #1. The book further explores the metal magic system with exploration of of Feruchemy but doesn't ignore the Allomancy created in Mistborn #1. I really enjoyed this book but am giving it four stars because compared to Mistborn #1, or how good Mistborn #3 is, it's just not on the same level. A great read, definitely recommend this book and series to fans of fantasy/sci-fi.
A very strong follow-up to the first book in the series. It starts a bit slowly, but quickly ramps up in speed. Excellent characterization and development as the former rebels try to come to grips with having to lead their new government. There are lots of wonderful moments for each of the characters as they come to grips with their roles, and a true introduction to the greater threat hinted of at the conclusion of the previous book.
It's not quite as strong as the first book, but it's really close. I've actually been sitting at my computer for 20 minutes writing this review, thinking about the book, and trying to decide if this is 4 or 5 stars (5 being what I gave the first book). I've settled on 4 for now, as I feel like this book was slightly weaker, but I still wasn't able to put it …
A very strong follow-up to the first book in the series. It starts a bit slowly, but quickly ramps up in speed. Excellent characterization and development as the former rebels try to come to grips with having to lead their new government. There are lots of wonderful moments for each of the characters as they come to grips with their roles, and a true introduction to the greater threat hinted of at the conclusion of the previous book.
It's not quite as strong as the first book, but it's really close. I've actually been sitting at my computer for 20 minutes writing this review, thinking about the book, and trying to decide if this is 4 or 5 stars (5 being what I gave the first book). I've settled on 4 for now, as I feel like this book was slightly weaker, but I still wasn't able to put it down, so consider it a 4.5.
I've already downloaded the third book to my Kindle and intend to devour it as well.