Parable of the Sower

, #1

Paperback, 329 pages

English language

Published April 30, 2019 by Grand Central Publishing.

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4 stars (230 reviews)

In 2025, with the world descending into madness and anarchy, one woman begins a fateful journey toward a better future.

Lauren Olamina and her family live in one of the only safe neighborhoods remaining on the outskirts of Los Angeles. Behind the walls of their defended enclave, Lauren’s father, a preacher, and a handful of other citizens try to salvage what remains of a culture that has been destroyed by drugs, disease, war, and chronic water shortages. While her father tries to lead people on the righteous path, Lauren struggles with hyperempathy, a condition that makes her extraordinarily sensitive to the pain of others.

When fire destroys their compound, Lauren’s family is killed and she is forced out into a world that is fraught with danger. With a handful of other refugees, Lauren must make her way north to safety, along the way conceiving a revolutionary idea that may mean …

15 editions

Review of 'Parable of the Sower' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

This is kind of a begrudging 4* review because while I cannot deny the quality of Butler's art and craft in this novel, it just really truly wasn't for me.

Strong points of this work: the writing, the vision of the future feels very real, hyper-empathy syndrome was an interesting idea because how it plays out in the novel is completely contrary to my expectations.

Weak points of this work: I didn't feel like it offered much besides "Yup, everything is well and truly fucked." There weren't enough points of relief from the general violence and despair of the setting. I think the Earthseed portions of this work were intended to provide that, but I didn't find the religion in the book to be particularly captivating and as a fan of Carl Sagan, I feel like the religion should have appealed to me. It just didn't tho.

The lead is …

Review of 'Parable of the Sower' on 'Storygraph'

5 stars

A dystopia that predicted many elements of the present day, including the slogan "Make America Great Again" and dealing with many issues facing us now, such as climate change and disease and the breakdown of civil society. 

Review of 'La parábola del sembrador' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Me deja un poco frío la idea de religión como sustituto del resto de las instituciones sociales en un tiempo apocalíptico, y no acabo de ver qué papel juega la hiperempatía en todo esto, si es mero atrezzo o un elemento verdaderamene importante. Lo veremos en el volumen dos.

Desde luego es un terreno de juego completamente diferente del de Xenogénesis.

Review of 'Parable of the Sower' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

On a second read, I feel a lot differently than I did the first time around. I can't separate uncomfortable feelings of reading about a teenager basically starting a cult and attracting people who are at their absolute most vulnerable to join. It doesn't sit well with me to read about Lauren's glee to "raise babies in Earthseed." And the intense, intense, dehumanization and otherizing of people using drugs, making them into physically unrecognizable monsters, is something I can't get past. If Lauren has hyper-empathy, and is more sensitive to people in need of help, then why does the buck stop with people using drugs?

Review of "Octavia E. Butler's Parable of the sower" on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

This book is dark and heavy, so I'll start with trigger warnings: religion, violence, rape, slavery, cannibalism, environmental devastation.

The story is dark, and provocative, yet thoughtful and causes one to ponder on the various social issues such as racism, slavery, power, gender equity, etc. This book should be read as a journey and not the destination. To me, it was very much like Odyssey but much deeper and profound.

The novel contains strong religious themes, as the name of the book suggests. The religion parts of the book often include arguments for and against various aspects of the religion.

I enjoyed the author's view of California on the brink of apocalypse, from geography to the imagines social structures.

This book has been written almost 30 years ago. Yet, in 2021 the subject is still current.

I wished I had to read this book in high school or college instead …

Review of 'Parable of the Sower' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

When I heard an old interview of Octavia Butler on NPR, I was both very impressed and very surprised that I had never heard of her. She won a MacArthur Fellowship, Hugo, and Nebula awards. At the time, there were so few women's names in science fiction, and even fewer who were African American.

Review of 'Parable of the Sower' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Once he's made everyone who isn't like him sound evil, then he can blame them for problems they didn't cause. That's easier than trying to fix the problems.

This book cuts deep. The bleak and truly dystopian world portrayed here is very, very close to home. Because of how topical the book felt I expected this book to be published in 2015 or 2016, but no, the first publication was 1993!

This book was too real and possible. The memories of the dumpster fire of 2020 are not yet a distant memory, America is crumbling under the 45th President and I read this story the same week there was a failed coup on the US Capitol building. At a time I want escapism Parable of the Sower was an extension of reality. It was not only a glimpse in to what if but what will.

Cormac McCarthy's The Road …

Review of "Octavia E. Butler's Parable of the sower" on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

I accidentally wound up with both the novel and the graphic novel based on the novel of Parable of the Sower. I read them together, reading ahead a bit in one, then going back to the other and reading to catch up and a bit ahead again. Wow, the story is excellent, and all the characters were really very interesting and complex.

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