Gijsbos reviewed The Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu (Remembrance of Earth's Past, #1)
4 stars
Tad long, mind boggling novel about past and future
Paperback, 447 pages
Czech language
Published by Host.
První díl trilogie s rozmachem Duny a stejnou dávkou akce jako Den nezávislosti.
V Říši středu zuří Velká kulturní revoluce a Číňané, kteří nechtějí zůstat pozadu za Sověty a Američany, se v rámci tajného vojenského projektu pokoušejí navázat kontakt s mimozemskými civilizacemi. Třicet let poté začnou na Zemi umírat významní vědci a vznikají sekty, které vybízejí k návratu k přírodě. Objeví se nová počítačová hra pro virtuální realitu, zvláštní, čarovná a znepokojivá, která jako by ani nepocházela z tohoto světa. A pomalu se začíná vyjevovat pravda o tajném projektu z éry Kulturní revoluce.
Problém tří těles obdržel prestižní ocenění Hugo za román roku 2015. Třetí díl (s anglickým názvem Death’s End) je na tutéž cenu nominován letos. Následující dva díly trilogie vyšly v letech 2008 a 2010, jejich české vydání připravuje nakladatelství Host na podzim 2017 a léto 2018. V roce 2017 bude také do kin uvedena filmová adaptace Problému …
První díl trilogie s rozmachem Duny a stejnou dávkou akce jako Den nezávislosti.
V Říši středu zuří Velká kulturní revoluce a Číňané, kteří nechtějí zůstat pozadu za Sověty a Američany, se v rámci tajného vojenského projektu pokoušejí navázat kontakt s mimozemskými civilizacemi. Třicet let poté začnou na Zemi umírat významní vědci a vznikají sekty, které vybízejí k návratu k přírodě. Objeví se nová počítačová hra pro virtuální realitu, zvláštní, čarovná a znepokojivá, která jako by ani nepocházela z tohoto světa. A pomalu se začíná vyjevovat pravda o tajném projektu z éry Kulturní revoluce.
Problém tří těles obdržel prestižní ocenění Hugo za román roku 2015. Třetí díl (s anglickým názvem Death’s End) je na tutéž cenu nominován letos. Následující dva díly trilogie vyšly v letech 2008 a 2010, jejich české vydání připravuje nakladatelství Host na podzim 2017 a léto 2018. V roce 2017 bude také do kin uvedena filmová adaptace Problému tří těles. Série uchvátila čtenáře nejen v Číně, práva byla prodána téměř do čtyřiceti zemí světa.
Tad long, mind boggling novel about past and future
Absolutely loved it, bought the second book in the trilogy before I finished this one. If you're a fan of a little hard sci-fi with some social commentary and aliens, I recommend it. Some parts of the book feel fantastical, but without losing the grounded "this could happen" feeling. The only "problem" I had (and it's not really a problem) is keeping up with some of the characters, just because I haven't had much exposure to Chinese culture and names. Still an amazing book.
Ich hab innerhalb von zwei Tagen "Die Drei Sonnen" von Cixin Liu gelesen. Das hatte ich schon sehr lange auf meiner Liste und erfreulicherweise waren alle drei Bände der Trilogie in der Stadtbücherei vorrätig.
Die knapp 550 Seiten haben sich schnell und angenehm gelesen. Das Meisterwerkgefühl bliebt bei mir jedoch leider aus.
Die Geschichte ist nett, aber jetzt nichts neues, vieles wirkt eher konstruiert und anstatt Entdeckung wird eher präsentiert.
I really expected more given all the enthusiasm I've heard. It's a bit of a mish-mash, some great sections, but too much going on, not that engaging characters... uh... it's pretty good, but was work to get through.
Nice read, I really like the cultural revolution background and how the characters develop. Also I love how conspiracy-drive the story was, i really wasn't expecting it. For a Robert Anton Wilson fan like me, it was a gift.
After seeing this recommended over and over and over, I was excited to read it. I went into it with no knowledge whatsoever. I wasn't expecting the history lesson that is the first half of the book. It is slooooow and the character building seems to take second stage to making sure you understand the politics. That said, it also ends abruptly. The last 20 pages or so are fairly interesting and then it's just over. I believe in it's original publishing it was one book separated into 3 volumes, so I won't hold that against it. I'll read the next just to see how it plays out. It has potential.
But the author harbors rather awful sociopolitical ideas.
The author's imagination, and the execution of his creative vision on the page, is engrossing for readers and admirable for fellow writers. Can't wait to finish this series.
writing — 2/5, idea — 4/5. in the end i did enjoy listening to "the three-body problem".
Life comes at you fast
Granted, the book takes a really cool premise.
And I loved discovering what the big 3 body problem mysterie was.
Only the book became more and more sluggish the further it developed.
And at the end, I really struggled to finish it.
I can't really recommend it.
Maybe wait until they make a movie out of it or something ...
“By the time you’re my age, you’ll realize that everything you once thought mattered so much turns out to mean very little.”
― Liu Cixin, quote from The Three-Body Problem
Brisk and intelligent. Looking forward to book two.
What a journey! It's so mind boggling, after 25 years of standing, I have to sit down and think about it.
4.5 because of the pace in places. But so many novel ideas, and the insights into the turbulent years of the cultural revolution. Definitely worth the read!
What struck me when I first started reading Cixin's trilogy was an interesting semblance to Le Guinn's style and general interest in sociology. Both are similar in that they like to re-think political structures and processes, something that differentiates them in my opinion from other giants of Sci-Fi like Philip K. Dick or Stanislav Lem (who deal more with psycho-philosophical questions). Anyway, this specific book deals quite a bit with the following question: Is humanity worthy of living in the paradise which is called Earth, seeing how we are so bent on destroying it's robust ecosystem? I found it to be a timely question for the era of Climate Disaster, well discussed throughout the book. It might be also worthy to mention that Cixin writes extremely well, and the suspense is held very tightly throughout all chapters. Cixin really really loves science, and this is a very very sciencey science …
What struck me when I first started reading Cixin's trilogy was an interesting semblance to Le Guinn's style and general interest in sociology. Both are similar in that they like to re-think political structures and processes, something that differentiates them in my opinion from other giants of Sci-Fi like Philip K. Dick or Stanislav Lem (who deal more with psycho-philosophical questions). Anyway, this specific book deals quite a bit with the following question: Is humanity worthy of living in the paradise which is called Earth, seeing how we are so bent on destroying it's robust ecosystem? I found it to be a timely question for the era of Climate Disaster, well discussed throughout the book. It might be also worthy to mention that Cixin writes extremely well, and the suspense is held very tightly throughout all chapters. Cixin really really loves science, and this is a very very sciencey science fiction book.