Problém tří těles

, #1

Paperback, 447 pages

Czech language

Published by Host.

Copied ISBN!
4 stars (274 reviews)

První díl trilogie s rozmachem Duny a stejnou dávkou akce jako Den nezávislosti.

V Říši středu zuří Velká kulturní revoluce a Číňané, kteří nechtějí zůstat pozadu za Sověty a Američany, se v rámci tajného vojenského projektu pokoušejí navázat kontakt s mimozemskými civilizacemi. Třicet let poté začnou na Zemi umírat významní vědci a vznikají sekty, které vybízejí k návratu k přírodě. Objeví se nová počítačová hra pro virtuální realitu, zvláštní, čarovná a znepokojivá, která jako by ani nepocházela z tohoto světa. A pomalu se začíná vyjevovat pravda o tajném projektu z éry Kulturní revoluce.

Problém tří těles obdržel prestižní ocenění Hugo za román roku 2015. Třetí díl (s anglickým názvem Death’s End) je na tutéž cenu nominován letos. Následující dva díly trilogie vyšly v letech 2008 a 2010, jejich české vydání připravuje nakladatelství Host na podzim 2017 a léto 2018. V roce 2017 bude také do kin uvedena filmová adaptace Problému …

33 editions

reviewed The Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu (Three-Body Trilogy, #1)

Science Fiction

5 stars

Spannend aufgebaut mit verschiedenen Handlungssträngen, die sich irgendwann zusammenfügen. Technische / physikalische Grundprinzipien auch für mich als Laien verständlich dargestellt. Und die Frage nach dem "First Contact" mit all ihren Implikationen wurde toll beackert. Zusätzlich erfährt von noch etwas über die jüngere chinesische Geschichte.

reviewed The Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu (Remembrance of Earth's Past, #1)


5 stars

Una pasada de libro. No soy lector habitual de ciencia ficción, pero este me enganchó. Me tuve que leer la segunda mitad del libro en dos días porque el misterio me atrapaba.

La tensión evoluciona siempre hacia arriba y es un no parar. No sé si hay que tener conocimientos básicos de ciencia para entenderlo o seguirlo, yo lo pude disfrutar, como ingeniero. Además, hace que reflexiones y te cuestiones sobre el acelerado progreso tecnológico.

reviewed The Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu (Remembrance of Earth's Past, #1)

Review of 'The Three-Body Problem' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

I can't say this book wasn't well written, but at the same time the writing sometimes felt awkward. Pretty imaginative, large scope, and refreshingly plausible treatment of science. All in all enjoyable, but I'm not sure I'll read the next ones in the series.

professional play

3 stars

Much of the novel assumes a tone of gossamer fantasy, still with the heft of a folktale. Think of fabric draping a central space into being, over a solid floor.

There is video gaming (along with rally and militarism) as theatre, perhaps most overtly, but the whole story is almost palpably sited within in staging containers — which mostly stretch or are transcended rather gently, in contrast to the claustrophobic violence possessing and constricting the gap in the crowd, the logged woods, the cramped room, the retina, the battered biosphere, the rigid formation, the traumatic shared memory, the laden canal, the proton.

For its themes, The Three-Body Problem is a very comfortable read. The “hard sci‐fi” elements are good fun, silly (or playful and open) without committing to ridiculous abandon. Although, on occasion, explanatory dialogue felt condescendingly conspicuous, on the whole, Liu’s devices moved smoothly enough. There are some beautiful …

reviewed The Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu (Three-Body Trilogy, #1)

The Three Body Problem by Cixin Liu

5 stars

This was an excellent book. I can count it among the masterpieces of modern science fiction. The story has elements similar to that of other science fiction stories, such as Nightfall and Other Stories by Isaac Asimov, Childhood's End and Rendezvous with Rama by Arthur C. Clarke, and Anathem by Neal Stephenson. It is important to stress that this is a hard science fiction novel. Generally, hard sci-fi stories focus strongly on the premise of the story (the idea) rather than characters or plot, so approach the story with that in mind. While it is technically part of a trilogy, the story stands extremely well on it's own. Of course, I'll be paying attention for more translated works of Liu Cixin.

For my full review, see my blog at

reviewed The Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu (Three-Body Trilogy, #1)

Aunque la idea está muy vista el planteamiento es muy interesante

5 stars

Lo que más me ha gustado del libro es que aunque simple hace un buen repaso del camino que ha llevado la ciencia a través de las eras de la humanidad y la importancia que tiene ésta en nuestro desarrollo y posible solución a la inminente extinción que nos espera. Además, el hecho de ser un autor chino hace que plantee las cosas de una forma algo distinta que los típicos clichés occidentales y además me ha permitido saber más cosas de la historia de China tal como fue el impacto y recuperación de la Revolución Cultural.

reviewed The Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu (Remembrance of Earth's Past, #1)

Sci-Fi from a different persepective

4 stars

I was surprised to read a Chinese sci-fi novel, but it's an interesting perspective on it. At first I thought this is going to be all about China, being for or against the CCP regime and a bit of sci-fi sprinkled on it, but it was the opposite!

The parts that were leaning on it being in China were great, it's a different view on how to write sci-fi, which is usually VERY centered on the US. I hope for more non-US authors in the sci-fi world, there's a lot to explore here.

The ending surprised me, because I read through it much faster than I thought. This should be a good thing, but I only noticed how far in I was, because I couldn't believe that this is how it's gonna end. It was a bit disappointing, but it's a trilogy, so and it felt very much written in …

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