Foundation and Empire (Foundation Novels (Audio))

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Isaac Asimov: Foundation and Empire (Foundation Novels (Audio)) (AudiobookFormat, 1920, Books on Tape)

Audio cassette

Published Jan. 24, 1920 by Books on Tape.

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4 stars (334 reviews)

Led by its founding father, the great psychohistorian Hari Seldon, and taking advantage of its superior science and technology, the Foundation has survived the greed and barbarism of its neighboring warrior-planets. Yet now it must face the Empire still the mightiest force in the Galaxy even in its death throes. When an ambitious general determined to restore the Empire's glory turns the vast Imperial fleet toward the Foundation, the only hope for the small planet of scholars and scientists lies in the prophecies of Hari Seldon.

78 editions

Fundação e Império

4 stars

“Fundação e Império” é o segundo livro da série Fundação de Isaac Asimov. A semelhança do primeiro livro, “Fundação”, este livro divide-se em duas partes. Na primeira parte, é contada a história de Bel Riose, um general do Império, que pretende anular a Fundação, a qual é vista por ele como uma ameaça. É no final desta parte que ficamos a saber que, afinal, existe uma segunda Fundação.

Neste segundo parte, sensivelmente 300 anos após a criação da Fundação, Asimov acrescenta uma alteração ao rumo dos destinos da Função e do Império, e que a psico-história, ciência que ele fundou, não poderia ter previsto: o surgimento do mutante “O Mula”, quem procura agora conquistar a galáxia. A incapacidade de Seldon não ter previsto esta crise deve-se à própria limitação da psico-história, que apenas consegue fazer previsões tendo por base o comportamento da sociedade, e não de apenas um indivíduo. Reside, …

Better than the original

4 stars

I liked this more than Foundation, but it’s still difficult to read old science fiction. It’s just not written as I would expect, like when the war is ended completely off screen in the first part.. But, this book is very good and the ending is superb, even if you do see the “twist” coming from a mile away.

Enjoyable continuation of the Foundation

4 stars

I enjoyed this book more than the original Foundation. The majority of the book focuses on a small group of characters which made it easier to follow events. The story does a great job of balancing the activities of the core characters with the scale of the crisis spanning a large part of the galaxy. I initially found the abrupt end of the first crisis a bit grating but that was easy to forgive as the seconded crisis was more interesting for me.

Review of 'Foundation and Empire' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

This is a great book if you're already in the Foundation story and it really sets the stage for the series. The two parts feel a bit disjointed, but that is only superficial. The whole premise is whether psychohistory can be changed by individual action. The first part suggests no, the second suggests yes. In addition to the interesting premise, the story is strengthened by better characters that grow and act for much longer than in the prior novel. And now the stage is set for a race to see who will reach the Second Foundation.

For a full review, check out my blog:

Review of 'Foundation and Empire' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

This is a great book if you're already in the Foundation story and it really sets the stage for the series. The two parts feel a bit disjointed, but that is only superficial. The whole premise is whether psychohistory can be changed by individual action. The first part suggests no, the second suggests yes. In addition to the interesting premise, the story is strengthened by better characters that grow and act for much longer than in the prior novel. And now the stage is set for a race to see who will reach the Second Foundation.

For a full review, check out my blog:

Review of 'Foundation and Empire' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Este libro tiene dos partes. En la primera, Bel Riose, general del todavía poderoso imperio, luchará contra la mano muerta de Seldon, contra el destino que supuestamente está escrito en el Plan Seldon. En la segunda, entra en escena un adversario imprevisto, el Mulo.
Ojo al dato que además de señores hablando, en esta novela sale una señora.
Bueno, que me lo paso pipa releyendo a Asimov. Cinco estrellas y punto.

Review of 'Foundation and Empire' on 'Goodreads'

1 star

Well things get weird in this second book of the trilogy. I don't feel any of the ideas I found interesting in the first book were expanded on and the plot got very odd towards the end. I'll be pushing through to the final book of this first trilogy next week. I hope it manages to turn things around.

Review of 'Foundation and Empire (The Isaac Asimov Collection)' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

The Foundation saga continues, with Hari Seldon's predicted crises unfolding just as envisioned, until suddenly, there seems to be a spanner in the works. Enter the Mule, a mutant, who throws Seldon's predictions into disarray. The only option available to the first Foundation is to try and establish contact with the mysterious (and hitherto unmentioned) second Foundation. Bayta, a woman from the Foundation world, and Toran, her fiance, from the Trading worlds, must journey to Trantor, that former seat of the Empire, and seek answers. They are joined by Ebling Mis, a psychologist (not nearly as brilliant as Seldon), and Magnifico, a court jester the young couple encounters on the planet of Kalgan.

A bit predictable, this was nonetheless an extremely interesting read. The Mule is a fascinating addition to the mix. A mutant who causes mutations in plans, annexing planets with utmost ease, the Mule remains hidden for most …

Review of 'Foundation and Empire (The Isaac Asimov Collection)' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

In Trantor, the long established Empire is showing signs of decay. Established psycohistorian Hari Seldon gathers about him a contingent of people large enough to counterbalance the inevitable lawlessness that will play out once the Empire no longer exists. This group is to establish itself on a planet, known as Terminus, at the farthest reaches of the galaxy. Seldon's intent is to reduce the span of time between the first Empire and the second, possibly much bigger one, to a thousand years. His study of psycohistory (an esoteric subject that is predicated on the prevalent socio-economic forces at play within a population) predicts certain crises which will afflict the splinter population, and this book is the first in the journey that this population and its descendants must make, combating or circumventing these crises, towards Seldon's prediction of a Second Empire.

I did a lot of research on which book to …

Review of 'Foundation and Empire' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I can’t remember which book I like more, the first or this one. This story is a bit more choppy than the first, telling different stories in different parts. It felt made for a periodical rather than the form of the novel. That said, by the end Asimov had me gripped to finish. And he spoke with the same galaxy-building and cultural criticism you become so found of in the first. Not overall disappointing with somethings improved (some amazing characters) and somethings lost (continuity).

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