Paperback, 702 pages

Spanish language

Published Dec. 30, 2005 by Debolsillo.

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4 stars (274 reviews)

Set on the desert planet Arrakis, Dune is the story of the boy Paul Atreides, heir to a noble family tasked with ruling an inhospitable world where the only thing of value is the "spice" melange, a drug capable of extending life and enhancing consciousness. Coveted across the known universe, melange is a prize worth killing for...

When House Atreides is betrayed, the destruction of Paul's family will set the boy on a journey toward a destiny greater than he could ever have imagined. And as he evolves into the mysterious man known as Muad'Dib, he will bring to fruition humankind's most ancient and unattainable dream.

A stunning blend of adventure and mysticism, environmentalism and politics, Dune won the first Nebula Award, shared the Hugo Award, and formed the basis of what is undoubtedly the grandest epic in science fiction.

57 editions

reviewed Dune by Frank Herbert (Dune)

Recreación de un Mundo

5 stars

Podría centrarme en la idea de Mesias y libertador que recaen sobre su protagonista en su trama política, religiosa, en el papel de las mujeres... Pero seguiré caminos menos trillados.

Entre la amplia y diversa vida laboral de Frank Herbert hay una actividad que fue la causa de que escribiera "Dune". Era ecólogo y en una investigación sobre un desierto y sus dunas hayo la semilla (nunca una palabra fue tan acertada como esa) de esta obra. Desarrolló un planeta complejo y fascinante en el que la vida casi parecía insostenible por su sequía y peligros. Elaboró una filosofía y estilo de vida fascinante entorno a la escasa cantidad de agua disponible y el único producto abundante existente: la melange. Para la época en la que escribió esta novela, parece muy actual la idea de Terraformar ese mundo extremadamente hostil. Con sus conocimientos prácticos y su mente creativa este autor …

reviewed Dune by Frank Herbert (Dune (1))

Ciencia ficción de altísima calidad filosófica

5 stars

¡Ah qué agradable es volver a leer con expectativas moderadas que terminan siendo ampliamente rebasadas! Iniciaré con una descripción muy sintetizada: Dune dice grandes verdades sobre la condición humana y las civilizaciones que resultan de ella, recurriendo a una ficción que se siente como exquisito relato histórico. Es un libro que atrapa, de esos que te obligan a buscar momentos, por pequeños que sean, para saber qué más ocurrirá en la trama. Frank Herbert despliega un estilo narrativo con altísima precisión para conseguir que las descripciones a detalle de ambientes, objetos, personas y personalidades, no interfieran con el flujo de la historia, sino que lo nutran y lo hagan disfrutable. Pocos libros me han hecho sentir tan adentrado en sus ambientes. Frank eligió muy bien las dos características esenciales de Arrakis: carencia extrema de agua y presencia en abundancia de un recurso menos útil para sobrevivir, pero que despierta mayor …

reviewed Dune by Frank Herbert (Dune Chronicles, #1)

Dune is Dune

4 stars

Since I watched the movies first, I was happy to have one of my main fears dissapear completely during the first couple chapters. Many of the plot twists present on both movies are actually things the reader just knows from the start. The betrayal and the plot against House Atreides, the people behind it and the reason for it can be inferred quickly enough.

Herbert’s confidence in the world he wrote can end up being too much to a lot of people. From the beginning of the novel, characters throw around a lot of made up terms that can be confusing, and in a setting where Dukes, Counts and Emperors, Great Houses and Cults are still a thing, alongside intergalactic travel and human calculators, the politics and relationships of it all are quite complex.

The book doesn’t hold your hand at all. There are references and intriguing events from long …

reviewed Dune by Frank Herbert (Dune (1))

Una relectura como si hubiera sido la primera

5 stars

Me he dado cuenta que la primera lectura de este libro, durante la ida y vuelta en transporte público al trabajo, no he retenido casi ninguna información de este libro. Así que esta lectura, más calmada, me ha hecho disfrutarla mucho.

Herbert no describe mucho sobre los mundos, palacios, indumentaria o personajes. Unas pinceladas y a volar tu imaginación, es una novela política, de poderes tanto a nivel personal como global, y una buena cantidad de facciones con diferentes intereses. Unas civilizaciones y religiones que te dan ganas de querer saber más sobre ellas. Cuando el manejo de ese trasfondo genera ese interés me engancha.

Los personajes principales son desiguales, los protagonistas creo que tienen una buena evolución, y fuertes puntos de inflexión para culiminar en situaciones inevitables. Sin embargo, hay otros secundarios importantes que tienen un buen potencial inicial pero no parece que supiera darle el autor un cierre …

Excelentísimo trabajo de ciencia ficción

5 stars

El universo de Dune que aquí comienza tiene muchos detalles notables, como las Bene Gesserit, la especia (un tipo de droga con cualidades premonitorias), y la organización política. En este libro la aventura y la tensión están siempre presentes en un ritmo entretenido.

reviewed Dune by Frank Herbert (Dune Chronicles, #1)

The most fun epic I've ever read

5 stars

What could I say about this book that hasn't already been said? It took awhile to hook me, but by about halfway through the first of three parts I was fully engrossed. It's like if Tolkien wrote Star Wars, and I mean that in the best way possible. Honestly, after reading Dune, I now see Star Wars as a watered-down facsimile at best. It doesn't even come close.

Dune has aged remarkably well for sci-fi from the '60s. The vast majority of characters (aside from the caricatured evil of the bad guys) are exceptionally complex and nuanced, and Herbert doesn't spare us from the dark and sometimes disturbing things that the "good" guys must do for the sake of their cause. The worst thing about this book is that it ends! I'm looking forward to picking up the next one in the series soon.

reviewed Dune by Frank Herbert (Dune (1))

A whole universe in one book

5 stars

Published first in 1965(!) Frank Herbert's masterpiece is still one of the best Science Fiction novels ever written. And unlike other works of its era it has aged really well, Dune is still as timeless and relevant today as when it was first published more than 50 years ago.

The term "universe" has been strained pretty hard by using it for loose collections of superhero movies based on DC or Marvel characters, but Herbert really creates a whole universe in one book, or at least a considerable part of a galaxy, making Dune a must read for every Science Fiction fan.

It's also the first part of a series, but later additions by Frank Herbert are not as compelling to me as the original work (especially after part 4, "God Emperor of Dune") and the even later prequels and sequels written by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson, while not …

Review of 'Dune' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Incredible. Plots within Plots. There are stories that age poorly over time, but this maintains its complexity and depth and avoids dating itself. I have been exposed to so much of Dune that I thought I had read the novels when I was younger, but as I started my ‘re-read’ after watching Dune 2021, I realized this is my first read!

The world-building is phenomenal - where we are shown but not told about the impacts of the past, with hints about Spice, the Guild, Mentats, the Great Convention, stagnation, the Bene Gesserit and more. The novel definitely skips over scenes that I think should have existed, but given how long it already is, I understand why we have major time skips and clever little scenes that imply what has happened to the many characters.

So much of Dune has become basis of modern science-fiction that there are ‘twists’ that …

Review of 'Dune' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Muad'dib, Lisan al Gaib, Kwisatz Haderach, Prophet. Paul Atreides has many names and I have just as much love for this book.

I was a little afraid to plunge into the world of Frank Herbert's Dune because many warned about the complex worldbuilding. However, after seeing Denis Villeneuve's extraordinary film last year, it was easy for me to immerse myself in this story.

The way the inner monologues were woven into the dialogue sequences is fantastic.

All in all, a terrific political sci-fi epic that feels bigger than almost any other book in its impact on the underlying world.

reviewed Dune by Frank Herbert (Dune Chronicles, #1)

Review of 'Dune' on 'Storygraph'

5 stars

a masterpiece. problem is, you can't just read this book, or you'll miss the whole point herbert is trying to make. do yourself a favour and pick up book 2 and 3 too.

Review of 'Dune - Der Wüstenplanet. Der Roman zum grossen TV- Event auf ProSieben.' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

2,5 Sterne
Das erste Drittel war super, der Rest eher lahm.

Außerdem habe ich irgendwo mal gelesen, dass Frank Herbert im Gegensatz zu anderen Scifi-Autorinnen seiner Zeit ziemlich konservativ war. Das heißt, das Buch ist nicht nur aus heutiger Sicht ziemlich altmodisch.
Es gab da einige Dinge, die mir sauer ausgestoßen sind:
Frauen sind sehr passiv; müssen gerettet werden; selbst "starke" Frauen sind von Männern abhängig
der Böse ist fett, homosexuell und pädophil. Für mich schien es auch so, als würde der Autor Homosexualität mit Pädophilie gleichsetzen.
* white saviourism

Abgesehen davon gab es für mich zu wenig direkte Rede und zu wenig Worldbuilding. Klar, es gibt diesen langen Anhang, aber ich erwarte von einem Roman, dass ich alle relevanten Informationen aus der Geschichte erfahre.

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  • Science Fiction - Series
  • Herbert, Frank - Prose & Criticism
  • Fiction
  • Fiction - Science Fiction
  • Spanish: Adult Fiction
  • Science Fiction - Adventure
  • Science Fiction - General
