Zerrissene Erde

Paperback, 496 pages

German language

Published Aug. 1, 2018 by Knaur Taschenbuch.

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4 stars (413 reviews)


IT STARTS WITH THE GREAT RED RIFT across the heart of the world's sole continent, spewing ash that blots out the sun.

IT STARTS WITH DEATH, with a murdered son and a missing daughter.

IT STARTS WITH BETRAYAL and long-dormant wounds rising up to fester.

This is the Stillness, a land familiar with catastrophe, where the power of the earth is wielded as a weapon. And where there is no mercy.

This description comes from the publisher.

8 editions

reviewed The Fifth Season by N. K. Jemisin (The Broken Earth, #1)


4 stars

I'm trying to make an effort this year to read more trilogies and book series, which I clearly need more practice with because I was initially confused why this book left so many plot points unresolved. You know, the first book in a trilogy that has two other full-length novels coming after it that continue the same story? Yeah, that one.

As far as hard fantasy with elaborate settings go, this felt very accessible. Sure the worldbuilding was intriguing and logical enough to make me want to buy into it, but the narration style was oddly conversational and didn't feel like it was being dictated to me from some detached entity telling me about events secondhand. This also had one of the best-executed uses of second-person narration that will stick with me for a long while.

And because I'm coming to this series very late (coming up on 10 years …

reviewed The Fifth Season by N. K. Jemisin (The Broken Earth, #1)

Good world building, long and leaves you hanging

4 stars

Without spoiling, I would mention that this is 512 pages long...and then just sort of stops and doesn't really give you a feel for what the "big problem" is that you'll want to see battled against in the next volume. So a little dissatisfaction with that.

I did enjoy the way the author played with the timeline, the different voices used, and the pairing of characters that kept me from being confused about who was who

The world-building was great - it supplied just enough "weird land" to be unusual, but really it was focused on the different groups of people and how they viewed and interacted with one another.

If this is your favorite genre and you don't mind feeling the need to finish the series, you'll enjoy.

reviewed The Fifth Season by N. K. Jemisin (The Broken Earth, #1)

Exploratory, rocky

4 stars

The broken earth has a lot of appealing elements (sorry) with narrative experiments going on at different scales. Some worked better than others for me, none were total flubs. The power dynamics between characters are fairly well balanced, but sometimes the characters felt a little too imaginary to me.

reviewed The Fifth Season by N. K. Jemisin (The Broken Earth, #1)

Slightly disappointing Hugo Winner

No rating

Warning: Extremely Vague Spoilers

It’s clear to see why The Fifth Season won a Hugo award and became immensely popular. Jemisin is an amazing world-builder and extremely good at plotting. She knows exactly at what pace to reveal the mysteries of her world to make her readers desperate to find out what happens next. The culture and history of her world are shaped by the titular “fifth seasons” years-long periods of environmental disasters, which is a great concept, and her orogenes are a really cool half-magic, half-science twist on typical elemental magics. She also manages to do something that was once thought impossible: create fantasy-cursing that sounds both thematic and natural.

Jemisin wants to do more than just write an exciting book though, she has a message, a two-fold one at that. She’s clearly both inspired by climate disasters in our world, as well as (racial) oppression. I say racial, …

reviewed The Fifth Season by N. K. Jemisin (The Broken Earth, #1)

Cool page turner

5 stars

I came upon a list of queer books and thought I'd give a try to the Fifth season. I haven't Heroic fantasy for more than a decad (apart from a book by Damasio). The book is good : well written, the way the narration is built is brilliant. In terms of representations it is very good as well, compared from what I read in the past. I enjoyed the female characters and the fact that heterosexuality or being cis isn't the norm. Yet the book is definitely speciesist : eating other animals or exploiting them is not questionned. A total page turner. I read it in four sittings, which means I spent a lot of time reading in bed haha. Personnally, I'm both grateful for this page turning effect and uneasy. For me it's totally addictive, I have no motivation to do anything else than reading what comes next. This …

reviewed Zerrissene Erde by N. K. Jemisin (Die große Stille)

Dystopischer Fantasy-Epos

5 stars

Die Welt ist zu einem einzigen Superkontinent - die Stille - zusammengefallen. Tektonische Spannungen sorgen kontinuierlich für Erdbeben oder Vulkanausbrüche. Besonders heftige Ausbrüche können eine Fünftzeit auslösen - eine mehrjährige Periode aus Asche- und Schwefelregen mit wenig Sonnenlicht und geringen Überlebenschancen für die Bewohner:innen des Kontinents. In dieser Zeit zerfallen Reiche, Gemeinschaften ("Gems)" kämpfen um ihr Überleben und ganze Zivilisationen gehen unter. Allerdings ist die Menschheit der Wut von "Vater Erde" nicht völlig machtlos ausgliefert. Einige Menschen können mittels der Gabe der Orogenie durch Beeinflussung von Wärme und Bewegungsenergie sogar Erdbeben aufhalten und Vulkane abkühlen. Aufgrund Ihrer potentiellen Macht werden die Orogenen gejagt und ermordert. Im günstigsten Fall entdeckt ein:e Wächter:in ein orogen begabtes Kind und nimmt es zur Ausbildung mit ins Fulcrum - dort werden die Orogenen zur bedingungslosen Unterwerfung unter die Wächter erzogen.

Auf verschiedenen Zeitebenen wird die Geschichte der Orogenen Essun erzählt, die als Kind von einem …

reviewed The Fifth Season by N. K. Jemisin (The Broken Earth, #1)

Not sure why I got confused by this one so much

3 stars

There’s some interesting world building in the book, but I ended up getting pretty confused by the multiple timelines and main characters the author was following, including one bizarrely in the second person. Spending a bit of time on Wikipedia to better get a synopsis of how the plots tied together was pretty helpful. I did enjoy the chapters opening with a quote from one of the sacred texts (very Dune like), but a bit more sign posting would have been helpful in its stead.

reviewed The Fifth Season by N. K. Jemisin (The Broken Earth, #1)

Review of 'The Fifth Season' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Took me a bit to get into it, and the changing of character names over time confused me a bit, but once I got past those two issues, it was a really fun read. Looking forward to the next two books to see what happens on Earth in a possible distant future where earth magic is common and nothing is stable.

reviewed The Fifth Season by N. K. Jemisin (The Broken Earth, #1)

An introduction to a fascinating world

5 stars

I don't recall how I discovered Octavia E. Butler twenty years ago but I'm pretty sure I noticed N.K. Jemisin thanks to a review in the Washington Post that compared her work to Butler's Parables books.

The Fifth Season is the beginning of an epic, laying the foundation of a world with a magic system and a hierarchical guild that employs it. A world, like ours, that is changing, changing in ways the humans within it do not expect and may not survive. If you're watching fantasy series via streaming ... the world of The Wheel of Time is probably the best match in terms of feel and scope.

reviewed The Fifth Season by N. K. Jemisin (The Broken Earth, #1)

Review of 'The Fifth Season' on 'Storygraph'

4 stars

This book is every bit as good as you’ve probably heard. Original, engaging, and deeply moving in parts. It is full of longing in every form, and ultimately a thoughtful take on privilege and purpose.

You should have told Jija, before you ever married him, before you slept with him, before you even looked at him and thought maybe, which you had no right to ever think.

It will break your heart, which is a feat for a book set in such a foreign fantastic universe.

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