Christopher John Francis Boone knows all the countries of the world and their capitals and every prime number up to 7,057. He relates well to animals but has no understanding of human emotions. He cannot stand to be touched. And he detests the color yellow.
This improbable story of Christopher’s quest to investigate the suspicious death of a neighborhood dog makes for one of the most captivating, unusual, and widely heralded novels in recent years.
Review of 'El curioso incidente del perro a medianoche' on 'Goodreads'
3 stars
Abre un panorama de cómo podría ver el mundo una persona autista y, de esta manera, puedes entender un poco qué pasa por su mente. A mi manera de verlo, es una pieza de literatura interesante para entender una condición humana, lo que nos lleva valorar y empatar su diversidad.
Review of 'The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time' on 'Goodreads'
3 stars
Not a mystery, but a coming-of-age novella, narrated by an autistic boy. You get to see the world through his eyes, and watch him leave the safe cocoon of his familiar world, stumbling through all the normal things that we take for granted. A slender book, which was probably good, as the conceit might have gotten stale if it had gone on too long.
Review of 'The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time' on 'Goodreads'
1 star
Abandoning this book because the kid narrator really makes me want to slap him in the face. Maybe it's because he reminds me a bit of myself when I was younger. And I really do want to slap my younger self in the face for thinking I was so much smarter than everyone but really I was just being an asshole. It was really the chapter about the revelation of who killed the dog and their casual dismissal and uncaringness (which I won't mention due to the spoiler) that made me angry enough to abandon this book. Maybe the last half is good but I don't think I'll come back to it unless I'm really bored or someone convinces me otherwise.
Review of 'The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time' on 'Goodreads'
5 stars
This is a very clever book, a murder mystery told from the perspective of a boy with autism-spectrum disorder. When the neighbour's dog is found dead on the lawn, he sets out to find the murderer. This would be fun to read for young adults as well as adults - I read it shortly after it first came out (so I was no young adult by any measure) and I really enjoyed it. The boy narrator is very thorough in his investigation, goes down interesting roads in order to find out what really happened, even faces some of his fears. The chapters are numbered only with prime numbers, which I thought was a nice touch. Having studied psychology for some time, I can say that Mark Haddon does a good job of showing the world through the lens of autism / Aspergers.
Review of 'The curious incident of the dog in the night-time' on Goodreads
4 stars
An excellent book, beautifully written, that expertly tells the story of an autistic child and his quest to investigate the death of a neighboring dog. On the way, he finds out much more than he was expecting to, about himself, his family, and yes, his neighbor's dog.
The introduction says that Haddon worked with autistic individuals as a young man, and his skill in depicting Christopher's approach to the world testifies to that. Christopher's quest is one of determination, curiosity, and intelligence, that is thoughtful, intriguing, and often hilarious. It is a very enjoyable and quick read, but still a substantive story. As I write this review that I have left sitting half-finished for months, it in some ways reminds me of the book I just finished, [b:Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close|4588|Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close|Jonathan Safran Foer||1940137]. It is lighter, shorter, less ambitious and less complex, but these are …
An excellent book, beautifully written, that expertly tells the story of an autistic child and his quest to investigate the death of a neighboring dog. On the way, he finds out much more than he was expecting to, about himself, his family, and yes, his neighbor's dog.
The introduction says that Haddon worked with autistic individuals as a young man, and his skill in depicting Christopher's approach to the world testifies to that. Christopher's quest is one of determination, curiosity, and intelligence, that is thoughtful, intriguing, and often hilarious. It is a very enjoyable and quick read, but still a substantive story. As I write this review that I have left sitting half-finished for months, it in some ways reminds me of the book I just finished, [b:Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close|4588|Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close|Jonathan Safran Foer||1940137]. It is lighter, shorter, less ambitious and less complex, but these are not slights on the former book at all, but rather admissions to the excellence of the latter.
The Curious Incident is similarly crafted, and tells a good story well. It is an engaging, intelligent read that is humorous but certainly not trite, and is certainly worth the time it will take you to read through the 221 short pages.
Review of 'The curious incident of the dog in the night-time' on 'GoodReads'
4 stars
An excellent book, beautifully written, that expertly tells the story of an autistic child and his quest to investigate the death of a neighboring dog. On the way, he finds out much more than he was expecting to, about himself, his family, and yes, his neighbor's dog.
The introduction says that Haddon worked with autistic individuals as a young man, and his skill in depicting Christopher's approach to the world testifies to that. Christopher's quest is one of determination, curiosity, and intelligence, that is thoughtful, intriguing, and often hilarious. It is a very enjoyable and quick read, but still a substantive story. As I write this review that I have left sitting half-finished for months, it in some ways reminds me of the book I just finished, [b:Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close|4588|Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close|Jonathan Safran Foer||1940137]. It is lighter, shorter, less ambitious and less complex, but these are …
An excellent book, beautifully written, that expertly tells the story of an autistic child and his quest to investigate the death of a neighboring dog. On the way, he finds out much more than he was expecting to, about himself, his family, and yes, his neighbor's dog.
The introduction says that Haddon worked with autistic individuals as a young man, and his skill in depicting Christopher's approach to the world testifies to that. Christopher's quest is one of determination, curiosity, and intelligence, that is thoughtful, intriguing, and often hilarious. It is a very enjoyable and quick read, but still a substantive story. As I write this review that I have left sitting half-finished for months, it in some ways reminds me of the book I just finished, [b:Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close|4588|Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close|Jonathan Safran Foer||1940137]. It is lighter, shorter, less ambitious and less complex, but these are not slights on the former book at all, but rather admissions to the excellence of the latter.
The Curious Incident is similarly crafted, and tells a good story well. It is an engaging, intelligent read that is humorous but certainly not trite, and is certainly worth the time it will take you to read through the 221 short pages.
Review of 'The curious incident of the dog in the night-time' on 'Goodreads'
4 stars
An excellent book, beautifully written, that expertly tells the story of an autistic child and his quest to investigate the death of a neighboring dog. On the way, he finds out much more than he was expecting to, about himself, his family, and yes, his neighbor's dog.
The introduction says that Haddon worked with autistic individuals as a young man, and his skill in depicting Christopher's approach to the world testifies to that. Christopher's quest is one of determination, curiosity, and intelligence, that is thoughtful, intriguing, and often hilarious. It is a very enjoyable and quick read, but still a substantive story. As I write this review that I have left sitting half-finished for months, it in some ways reminds me of the book I just finished, [b:Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close|4588|Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close|Jonathan Safran Foer||1940137]. It is lighter, shorter, less ambitious and less complex, but these are …
An excellent book, beautifully written, that expertly tells the story of an autistic child and his quest to investigate the death of a neighboring dog. On the way, he finds out much more than he was expecting to, about himself, his family, and yes, his neighbor's dog.
The introduction says that Haddon worked with autistic individuals as a young man, and his skill in depicting Christopher's approach to the world testifies to that. Christopher's quest is one of determination, curiosity, and intelligence, that is thoughtful, intriguing, and often hilarious. It is a very enjoyable and quick read, but still a substantive story. As I write this review that I have left sitting half-finished for months, it in some ways reminds me of the book I just finished, [b:Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close|4588|Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close|Jonathan Safran Foer||1940137]. It is lighter, shorter, less ambitious and less complex, but these are not slights on the former book at all, but rather admissions to the excellence of the latter.
The Curious Incident is similarly crafted, and tells a good story well. It is an engaging, intelligent read that is humorous but certainly not trite, and is certainly worth the time it will take you to read through the 221 short pages.
Review of 'The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time' on 'Goodreads'
3 stars
This book was interesting as an exploration of what is might be like to be on the Autism spectrum; however, the story itself was unremarkable.
I guess if you view those on the spectrum as severely handicapped, then the outcome of the story might be extraordinary--however, reality is much different and the limited experience I have took away the irony of the successes Christopher had.
Review of 'The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time' on 'Goodreads'
5 stars
The story is written from the point of view of an autistic boy with Aspberger's Syndrome, which causes him problems understanding social interactions among other things. It does an excellent job of conveying what the world looks like from inside the head of the hero, and how some of the things we take for granted can be huge challenges for the differently abled. A very thought-provoking read.
Review of 'Lo strano caso del cane ucciso a mezzanotte' on 'Goodreads'
4 stars
Il voto è una media tra il 3 della trama e il 5 dello stile del racconto. Il protagonista è affetto dalla Sindrome di Asperger e il racconto è narrato proprio da lui in prima persona attraverso un libro che scrive lui. Questo espediente permette al vero autore di far vedere il mondo dagli occhi di un ragazzino che soffre di questa sindrome e quindi di farci notare il suo sistema di assimilazione delle informazioni e il suo rapportarsi socialmente. E va ammesso che ci è riuscito in maniera ottimale risultando a tratti anche commovente.
La nota un po' negativa è la trama un po' debole e che promette di ruotare attorno a quello "strano caso", per poi smentirsi per strada.
Comunque è sicuramente una lettura consigliata a tutti, quanto meno per mettersi nei panni di un ragazzo così particolare.
Review of 'Le bizarre incident du chien pendant la nuit' on 'Goodreads'
4 stars
Un ami m'avait conseillé Le bizarre incident du chien pendant la nuit il y a quelques mois, je l'ai acheté la semaine dernière et je l'ai dévoré en quelques jours. Publié en 2003, il s'agissait du premier roman pour adultes du romancier britannique Mark Haddon, également auteur de plusieurs livres pour enfants.
Qui a tué Wellington, le grand caniche noir de Mme Shears, la voisine ?
Christopher Boone, « quinze ans, trois mois et deux jours », décide de mener l'enquête. Christopher aime les listes, les plans, la vérité. Il comprend les mathématiques et la théorie de la relativité. Mais Christopher ne s'est jamais aventuré plus loin que le bout de la rue. Il ne supporte pas qu'on le touche, et trouve les autres êtres humains ... déconcertants.
Quand son père lui demande d'arrêter ses investigations, Christopher refuse d'obéir. Au risque de bouleverser le délicat équilibre de l'univers qu'il s'est …
Un ami m'avait conseillé Le bizarre incident du chien pendant la nuit il y a quelques mois, je l'ai acheté la semaine dernière et je l'ai dévoré en quelques jours. Publié en 2003, il s'agissait du premier roman pour adultes du romancier britannique Mark Haddon, également auteur de plusieurs livres pour enfants.
Qui a tué Wellington, le grand caniche noir de Mme Shears, la voisine ?
Christopher Boone, « quinze ans, trois mois et deux jours », décide de mener l'enquête. Christopher aime les listes, les plans, la vérité. Il comprend les mathématiques et la théorie de la relativité. Mais Christopher ne s'est jamais aventuré plus loin que le bout de la rue. Il ne supporte pas qu'on le touche, et trouve les autres êtres humains ... déconcertants.
Quand son père lui demande d'arrêter ses investigations, Christopher refuse d'obéir. Au risque de bouleverser le délicat équilibre de l'univers qu'il s'est construit ...
Le roman est écrit à la première personne : le narrateur est Christopher lui-même, un jeune autiste atteint du syndrome d'Asperger. Cela donne au livre un ton particulier, avec une naïveté touchante. Les réflexions et les réactions de Christopher sont parfois déconcertantes mais toujours logiques, et j'ai pris beaucoup de plaisir à suivre ses mésaventures tout au long du roman. Je ne voudrais pas tout raconter et gâcher le plaisir des futurs lecteurs, je me contenterai de dire qu'il fait preuve de beaucoup de détermination et de courage du début à la fin.
Le roman est très divertissant, souvent drôle, et se lit très vite. Entre deux chapitres qui font avancer le récit lui-même, Christopher nous fait découvrir ses réflexions sur différents sujets, sa façon d'aborder les relations humaines, parfois à travers des schémas et des dessins sympathiques. J'ai lu que Mark Haddon, l'auteur, a eu l'occasion de travailler auprès d'enfants autistes ; je suppose donc qu'une grande partie de ce qu'il nous dit dans ce roman est proche de la réalité et c'est un véritable enrichissement de découvrir le mode de pensée de Christopher et ses relations avec son entourage, en particulier avec son père.
C'est vraiment l'un de mes coups de coeur, un petit bijou d'humour et de sensibilité : tout ce que j'aime !
J'ai retenu ce passage :
Je trouve que les nombres premiers sont comme la vie. Ils sont tout à fait logiques, mais il est impossible d'en trouver les règles, même si on en consacre tout son temps à y réfléchir.
J'ai également été secoué par le dernier paragraphe, que je ne citerai pas ici pour ne pas raconter la fin mais qui est très touchant, avec des mots pourtant simples, tout à fait dans le ton du reste du roman.
Review of 'The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time' on Goodreads
3 stars
Prime numbers are what is left when you have taken all the patterns away. I think prime numbers are like life. They are very logical but you could never work out the rules, even if you spent all your time thinking about them.