Harry Potter è un predestinato: ha una cicatrice a forma di saetta sulla fronte e provoca strani fenomeni, come quello di farsi ricrescere in una notte i capelli inesorabilemte tagliati dai perfidi zii. Ma solo in occasione del suo undicesimo compleanno gli si rivelano la sua natura e il suo destino, e il mondo misterioso cui di diritto appartiene. Un mondo dove regna la magia; un universo popolato da gufi portalettere, scope volanti, caramelle al gusto di cavolini di Bruxelles, ritratti che scappano... Il primo libro della serie di Harry Potter viene riproposto, in brossura, in concomitanza con l'uscita del quarto film ispirato al maghetto.
I had heard of Harry Potter shortly before the fifth book came out, and by that time it was a love-or-hate situation. I had chosen to ignore it for the time being, but probably give young Potter a chance in a couple of years. So when I came by this book (the beautiful American paperback edition) in a charity store in New York, I thought that maybe now the time had come.
I felt that much of the hype was well-deserved: this is a well written children's book with heaps of charm and a rich setting. The plot unfolds with an admirable precision (though it's not quite as breath-takingly perfect as in the second book), and there is indeed a foreshadowing of a grander scheme that is yet to be revealed.
By the end I was sufficiently fascinated that I had to order the next two books at once.
Sebbene sia dichiaratamente un libro per bambini, il registro di scrittura risulta inizialmente altalenante (a metà tra un romanzo per adolescenti e un libro per bambini, cambiando registro repentinamente) per poi stabilirsi su un registro da romanzo adolescenziale, quasi troppo complicato per un pubblico di 10/11 anni.
Overall, the Harry Potter series remains enjoyable in this day in age, but I cannot endorse buying the books new and pipe lining money to someone who uses her billions to advance an anti-trans agenda
I love all Harry Potter books. My favorite is fifth and seventh, but the first one is wonderful as well, although it is more for the kids in comparison with the later books. But it makes sense it gets darker the older Harry gets. It's fun to 'return' to the fearless first piece ❤️
Review of "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" on 'Goodreads'
2 stars
It is necessary to preface this review (as well as all the others I’ll do for this series) with a brief demographic overview of myself. I am a late-20’s gay transgender man who did not grow up with these books. I am reading them for the first time to essentially see what all the fuss is about and what’s there that folk are so keen on.
The first installment of this franchise is… okay. It’s middle of the road YA boarding school fantasy. Rowling’s sense of humor has a real mean streak to it that I often found extremely off-putting, particularly in the narrative’s treatment of Neville and the awful descriptions of Dudley and Uncle Vernan’s statures. I often see people describe these books as being sources of comfort - I can only hope that the others aren’t as rude as this.
Dumbledore is a stand-out character and I enjoyed …
It is necessary to preface this review (as well as all the others I’ll do for this series) with a brief demographic overview of myself. I am a late-20’s gay transgender man who did not grow up with these books. I am reading them for the first time to essentially see what all the fuss is about and what’s there that folk are so keen on.
The first installment of this franchise is… okay. It’s middle of the road YA boarding school fantasy. Rowling’s sense of humor has a real mean streak to it that I often found extremely off-putting, particularly in the narrative’s treatment of Neville and the awful descriptions of Dudley and Uncle Vernan’s statures. I often see people describe these books as being sources of comfort - I can only hope that the others aren’t as rude as this.
Dumbledore is a stand-out character and I enjoyed him quite a lot. He really gives off that elder queer energy and I’m surprised that people seem to think that him being gay was a retroactive decision. For as much as I personally detest the author, I have to argue in her favor there. The man rolls up in on the 8th page in high-heeled boots and purple, for God’s sake!
Overall, a fast read. The prose was fine. Nothing spectacular here. Pacing-wise it felt very slice-of-life, which isn’t a bad thing necessarily. As an aside, Quidditch sounds like a terrible sport.
Review of "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" on 'Goodreads'
4 stars
Na het lezen van het komische [b:Numéro deux|59751131|Numéro deux|David Foenkinos|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1638600150l/59751131.SX50.jpg|94104575], een fictief verhaal van David Foenkinos over een jongen die auditie doet voor de Harry Potterfilms en als tweede eindigt achter Daniel Radcliffe, ben ik meteen begonnen met het herlezen van de boeken van Joanne Rowling. (25 jaar na het verschijnen van het eerste deel voelt het wat wrang haar nog J.K. te noemen, aangezien de schrijver destijds door haar uitgever gedwongen werd een tweede initiaal te verzinnen uit angst dat het werk van een vrouw niet goed zou verkopen.) Het was me meteen weer duidelijk waarom het verhaal van de tovenaarsleerling destijds een hype werd. Rowlings werk getuigt van creativiteit en een groot inlevingsvermogen in haar publiek: jongeren zullen zich makkelijk identificeren met Harry Potter of één van de andere personages.
In het eerste deel neemt Rowling de tijd om de magische wereld van Harry Potter …
Na het lezen van het komische [b:Numéro deux|59751131|Numéro deux|David Foenkinos|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1638600150l/59751131.SX50.jpg|94104575], een fictief verhaal van David Foenkinos over een jongen die auditie doet voor de Harry Potterfilms en als tweede eindigt achter Daniel Radcliffe, ben ik meteen begonnen met het herlezen van de boeken van Joanne Rowling. (25 jaar na het verschijnen van het eerste deel voelt het wat wrang haar nog J.K. te noemen, aangezien de schrijver destijds door haar uitgever gedwongen werd een tweede initiaal te verzinnen uit angst dat het werk van een vrouw niet goed zou verkopen.) Het was me meteen weer duidelijk waarom het verhaal van de tovenaarsleerling destijds een hype werd. Rowlings werk getuigt van creativiteit en een groot inlevingsvermogen in haar publiek: jongeren zullen zich makkelijk identificeren met Harry Potter of één van de andere personages.
In het eerste deel neemt Rowling de tijd om de magische wereld van Harry Potter in te leiden. Elk hoofdstuk bevat nieuwe elementen, waarmee de schrijver de vaart erin houdt. Ook heeft Rowling een weergaloos gevoel voor samenhang: Harry Potter and the philosopher’s stone zit niet alleen vol verwijzingen die in het boek zelf terugkomen, maar ook in latere delen. Daartegenover staat dat Rowling ruimhartig gebruikmaakt van de klassieke tegenstelling tussen Goed en Kwaad en stereotypen niet schuwt. Dat maakt de strijd tussen de huizen Gryffindor en Slytherin bijvoorbeeld wat kolderiek.
Zoals vaker bij fantasie of sciencefiction was ik geïntrigeerd door de manier waarop het tijdsbeeld van Rowling doorwerkt op de verbeelding van in dit geval de magie, die zowel vindingrijk als traditioneel is. Het digitale tijdperk heeft een deel ervan ingehaald: bewegende beelden in de media zijn tegenwoordig ook voor ‘muggles’ heel normaal, terwijl kunstmatige intelligentie en zelfs good old Google hoogwaardige foefjes zouden zijn op Hogwarts.
Helaas hebben de films mijn verbeelding van de boeken wel veranderd. Ik kan me Hagrid slechts nog voorstellen als Robbie Coltrane met een stevig accent...
It'd been so long since I'd last read it, and that's taking into consideration that I read the books after the movies had come out (as an experiment of sorts that showed only two movies in the entire series made sense as stand-alone projects).
Most of what I remember enjoying about the series is what I could imagine in my own head, and I liked the initial attempt at promoting friendship as a solution... Though there have often been things that really grated my nerves and were easier to find on a re-read.
So in reading them again after having been a teacher for a while, I feel like I should be very concerned over aspects of things that were done with regards to what we term "duty of care." Though I could initially read Severus Snape from the perspective of a child who was generally afraid of some of …
It'd been so long since I'd last read it, and that's taking into consideration that I read the books after the movies had come out (as an experiment of sorts that showed only two movies in the entire series made sense as stand-alone projects).
Most of what I remember enjoying about the series is what I could imagine in my own head, and I liked the initial attempt at promoting friendship as a solution... Though there have often been things that really grated my nerves and were easier to find on a re-read.
So in reading them again after having been a teacher for a while, I feel like I should be very concerned over aspects of things that were done with regards to what we term "duty of care." Though I could initially read Severus Snape from the perspective of a child who was generally afraid of some of their teachers, my perspective of Severus Snape has shifted greatly because I have met people like him (with significantly less magic). This character doesn't really seem to maintain a fully consistent characterisation in some places and has a shoddy excuse for why he'd protect Harry, but I think this is largely because Rowling made it too obvious that he'd be a bait-and-switch. She didn't really want to actually do anything to, like, make his characterisation consistent because it would ruin whatever story she intended to tell, so she... just fails at times. He's also given a personality for someone who should've left the teaching profession but stayed in because of reasons that no one really knows (usually because they enjoy having power over children), and it's not presented as wrong in any capacity. He's definitely not there for the benefit of the students he's treating poorly. Meanwhile, Albus Dumbledore knowingly brough something on-campus that's dangerous and provides tools that actively encourage a child to undertake the protection of that very thing, which makes it oddly apparent that he seems to be okay with varying degrees of child endangerment.
Then at the end, the school knowingly sends Harry back to a family that has been excessively and openly abusive at all times they've been around despite the fact that he could very well have stayed on at the school. It's a very perplexing concept that these people (people who are often made to be "mandatory reporters" in the real world) aren't doing anything to provide Harry with safety. They choose to send him to people who hurt, abuse, and neglect him. Granted, this leads to events in the next novel, but this feels lazy. Things like this often leave me feeling a little uncomfortable with aspects of the story, especially now that I'm an adult (and very specifically one who has worked with children and has had experience in a variety of schools).
It's a weird conflict to have that it's an engaging story with such awkward elements of characters or in-world policy, and it also doesn't seem to provide children with ways to consider a 'new' world. It's the status quo in so many ways.
Review of "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" on 'Goodreads'
5 stars
Can't remember the last time I read the first book (probably in high school). Decided to read it again but in Spanish this time. I'm always amazed at how easily I get hooked into these books. Goal is to work my way through the entire series by the end of the year.